Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want


Frank got up, turned the lights off and undid his belt. I had to bite my gum to stop my scream bellowing out of me.
"Where am I gonna sleep?" I asked, giggling. I felt like I was seven again, laughing at the word 'boob'.
"Well, um" Frank laughed nervously, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. "I- I don't actually have a sleeping bag for you to sleep in, and I 'forgot' to ask you if you had a sleeping bag"
My head nearly exploded.
"Well, well, well, Mr. Iero. I'm disappointed in you" I shook my head at him, unable to hide my smile.
"Oh really?" He asked, crawling onto the bed. Frank's eyes were turning darker as his eyes penetrated mine. My insides practically melted.
"Mm-hm. I never suspected you were so deviant" I tried to make my words sexy and seducing, but they came out as a wobbly, shaky mess. "Well..."
"You're so sexy when you're turned on" Frank grinned, and climbed on top of me. I gasped.
Frank kissed me strong and deep, his soft lips crushing against mine.
The kisses were faster this time, like we weren't quick enough. I held onto to Frank's back, and my hand moved over to his butt.
"Oh, Gee!" He sighed. I smile to myself, happy I was making him feel as good as I was.
I placed my hands on Frank's sides, and I pushed him onto his back, so I was on top of him, still keeping the kiss.
"You make me so horny, baby" Frank moaned, his head tilting back onto the covers.
"Mm, baby you have no idea"
I kissed Frank with everything I had. I worried that I was kissing him too hard, that I was suffocating him, but he didn't complain and seemed to be able to manage my forcefulness. In fact, he was quite vocal about his enjoyment, always moaning and groaning and growling, which was my personal favourite. Well, except from the times when he shouted my name. They were the best.
This was fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
hmm! well, if you'd spent weeks trying to keep your hands of Mr. Way or Mr. Iero, what would you do when you finally got the chance... this is my idea... well, my idea toned down a little ;)