Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Mikey's Story

I walked to the busstop with Mikey, envying his enthusiasm.
"Yeah, so i was like, fuck, man you're so wrong, and he said that i was wrong and i just stood there and said, just, like no. Then he tried to punch me in the face, but he missed and i was like oooh! and he walked off and said 'this isn't over'. It was like a fucking movie! That was ganster shit, man!" Mikey blabbed, not stopping for breath. I smiled at him, and he smiled back, proud of himself.
"How did you even get into a fight?" I asked, frowing. Mikey wasn't the kind of guy to get into a fight. He was the more 'hey people lets just chill, put some Morrisey on and everything will be OK' type of guy.
"Oh my god, in didn't tell you?! Well, you know..." I let him talk, while i thought about nothing in particular.
Mikey was still telling me every minute detail of his The Godfather afternoon while we were getting on the bus home. There's only one bus that stops at Smithson (my school) and Mikeys at release time.
Mike's sat with me, and the story lasted the whole way home. Then when we got home, he re-told it to mom, who was equally as riveted as me.
I went straight to my room, fell asleep in minutes, and dreamt of Mikey being in Shawshank Redemption
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Just a little filler :) i like to write little "scenes" with Mikey and Gerard. PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT! i love you all!