Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Boys About Town

"Waaaake uuuuup sleeeepy heeaad" Frank whispered into my chest, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Nooo" I murmured back. I was too comfortable, to warm, it was too perfect being snuggled up to Frank, and feeling his little body lift up and down when he breathed.
"Come on baby" Frank sighed playfully, and he kissed the nape of my neck.
I opened my eyes and looked down to Frank, who was rubbing his own closed eyes. He looked so cute.

"Why?" I moaned.
"Cos my mom's gonna be home soon and if she see's us in bed...well, yeah, you know" He mumbled.
"OK" I sighed, but stayed still.
"Gee...Gee have you gone back to sleep?!" I heard.
"No. Get off me and I'll get up" I said, maybe too harshly, so I kissed his head.
"I don't wanna!" Frankie moaned, his smile bright.
"I can't get up when you're on top of me" I smiled.
"Really?" Frank eyes looked up at me and turned darker. He sat up and straddled my legs.
"Whoa" I grinned, realizing what was happening.
"Mm-Hmm" Frank giggled.

His lips fell onto the skin on my kneck, and my head tilted back in pleasure. Frank warm and wet lips trailed slowly down to my boxer line. He licked just below the hem of my black boxers.
"Oh my god!" I screamed.
Frank sat back up, resting on my knee's, looking down at my erection.
"See, told you I could get you up without getting off you" Frank giggled, his thick voice deep and sexy.
"I hate you so much right now" I groaned.
"Hate..." Frank laughed, and climbed off me. I calmed myself down and stood up.
"Where the fuck'd you put my jeans?" I asked Frank, searching through the piles of shit on floor.
"Um, I dunno...I, wait, I think i'm wearing 'em" A crooked and sexy smile grew on Frank's lips and my heart burst.
My eyes scanned over Frank, his little legs clad in my black skinny jeans. They clung to him beautifully, in exactly the right spots.
"You look awesome" I said, practically drooling.
"Thanks. I'm not taking these off, by the way, so you're gonna have to wear some of mine" Frank grinned, walking towards me. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer.
"You look so hot its insane. You're never taking my jeans off" I smiled.
"Really?" Frank's eyebrows shot up suggestively.
"Well, you know..." I smirked. Frank kissed my lips softly and briefly, leaving me tingling.
"Mmm, maybe we should just leave you with no jeans, cos you look pretty damn perfect as it is" Frank grinned, looking me up and down. My heart skipped a beat.
"Good idea, but i'm a pretty hot piece of ass, what if people start wanting me, won't you get jealous?" I asked sarcastically, although taking delight in the idea of Frank being jealous.

"Point taken. Best put you in some clothes. I'm the only one who gets to see you naked- Well, almost" Frank's eyes were jumping. He headed toward his wardrobe and opened the doors. His hand plunged inside and retrieved a pair of black jeans, almost identical to mine. He threw them at me, and I caught them just as they were about to hit my face.
I pulled them on, only just able to get them over my thighs. They were a little short, but I was guessing they were his biggest pair.

"Thanks, baby" I said. I rumagged around for my shirt.
"I'm keeping that too" Frank smiled, turning around from the mirror. He had my Chemical Brothers shirt on. It looked much better on him than it did me.
"Fine, i'm gonna have one of your shirts" I grinned, walking towards his open wardrobe.
Frank had so many tshirts it was ridiculous. I picked one at random, and it was a Marvel Heroes one, with the Hulk and Spiderman bursting out of a building. I shrugged it on, and went over to see Frank in the mirror.
"Why do you even own a mirror? You always look awesome" I told him, kissing his neck gently.
"You're sweet, but I don't. Usually I look like death warmed up" Frank grinned, but his eyebrows furrowed.
"I didn't know death warmed up was so hot" I kissed the side of the side of his neck again, and he closed his eyes and breathed out.
Frank turned around and placed his head in the nape of my neck.
"Thankyou. I don't deserve you" He whispered, his eyes still screwed shut.
"Yes you do. You don't give yourself enough credit. You're amazing and you should know that" I whispered back.

He looked up, and I kissed his lips passionatly, wanting him to know how much I meant my words. He kissed me back and I was happy again.
Frank took my hand and lead us downstairs and out of the house. We walked down the street and caught a bus into town.
He bought me the new Spiderman comic, and I bought him a Chemical Brothers CD. His first, in fact- I felt like i'd de-virginised him.
We sat in the centre of town and made out extremly obnoxiously. We giggled and laughed loudly, not caring about the other people around us.

"Today was awesome" Frank said, when he walked me home.
The New Jersey sky was pink an yellow, and a warm breeze cascaded over us.
"Yeah, it was"
"When we gonna go it again?" He asked, licking his lips.
"Next weekend?" I said, unsure. I didn't want to sound pushy, even though it was Frank who had asked.
"Yeah, that sounds rad. I'll see ya at school tomorrow?"
"OK. Bye" I said, giving Frank a little wave as he walked away. I was a little disappointed I didn't get to kiss him one last time, but i'd get the chance to tomorrow.

I turned around to go home, when I heard footsteps run behind me.
"I thought I could leave without kissing you, but I was wrong" Frank grinned, a littole out of breath. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for a long and deep kiss. He tasted like sweat and strawberries.
"Wow" I sighed, my head dizzy.
"Do-Would y-No, ah, I was kinda- No, never mind. I'll see you tomorrow, kay?" Frank blundered , walking off fastly before I had chance to ask him what the fuck he was talking about.
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i know i'd said you'd get a long tonight but i have to go!! sorry!!