Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Mashed Up Words

I skulked downstairs in just my boxers, heading lazily to the kitchen. I dragged a hand through my greasy matted hair, hoping I'd be able to get it back out.
"Morning, Gerard"

I opened my eyes fully to be confronted with a horrible image- My mom sat at the kitchen table, coffee in hand and a full business suit already on. She looked at me with no hint of confusion, like this was a normal, non-awkward occurrence.

"Wh-What are you doing home?" I asked, deeply regretting my choice of clothing.
"I was always coming back on the 15Th." Mom said, sipping her coffee.
What else was there to say?!
I saw Mikey mouth a frantic 'SORRY!' behind mom. I gave him a 'We'll talk about this later' look back.

"Well, I better go get...some clothes on" I laughed awkwardly, turning around to run upstairs.
I shut my door and heaved a sigh. This is why if you wake up too early for school, you should always go back to sleep.

I changed into Frank's jeans and my plain black tshirt slowly, hoping the added seconds would leave no time at all to talk to mom.

"Gee, I'm so sorry! I didn't know she was home today, I woke up and she was there!" Mikey apologized, rushing into my room.

"Its fine, just- urgh, just tell me next time before I walk downstairs practically naked" I huffed.
"Sorry. We gotta go to school. Can I-Can I ask you something, Gee?" Mikey asked, closing the door.
"Yeah sure" I said.
"Mm, do you-do you think I-I'm ugly?" He asked, his head bowing.
"Its just-Hannah's so pretty, she's like model beautiful, man, and there's so many better looking guys than me. I don't wanna lose her cos I look like a nerd. I don't mind being a dork, but I don't wanna look like one" Mikey stressed.

I looked at Mikey, his long scrawny legs in skinny jeans, the knees poking out through ripped denim, his brown thin hair falling over the glasses that framed his bright brown eyes.
"You're not ugly, Mikey. Not even close. And if she dumps you cos you're not 'pretty enough' then she isn't worth having" I told him.
"Yeah. Thanks, man"

Mikey walked over and hugged me. I hugged him back, wrapping my arms around him.
Sometimes, Mikey needs a hug more than he lets on.
He pulled away and coughed, maybe a little embarrassed.
"We gotta get to school" Mikey said, his back turning to me.
"Yeah, sure" I said, walking out with him.
"Oh, Gerard, I have the therapist appointment booked for Thursday" Mom said, just as I was about to open the door.
I slammed the door to show her how much I actually wanted to kill her.

"Hey" Frank called, a smile on his face. He pecked my lips gently.
"Hey" I mumbled.

How had a week changed her? When she first told me I had to go to therapy, she'd be so apologetic and sorry, and how she was being cruel and bitchy about it. Why was she so horrible to me but not Mikey. I didn't need therapy, I didn't, of course I didn't. I was starting to be happy. Yeah I was still depressed, but it was getting better every day. I could kinda see why mom had sent me to therapy, but I was in such a state when she last saw me, but things had changed, even if it was just slightly.

"Whats up?" He asked, concerned. He took my hand and turned to face me.
"Its- My moms back, and last time I saw her, she told me I had to...go to, um- therapy" I spluttered, ashamed of myself.

"Oh. There's nothing to be ashamed of, Gee. Therapy can be a good thing. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Frank asked, and I felt so bad I almost cried.
"I dunno. I was embarrassed. Its not exactly the easiest thing to admit. I didn't want you thinking I was a weird and twisted cos I need to go to a therapist" I whispered, leaning my head in the nape of his neck. I didn't care if we were in public.
"Hey, I'd never bail on you just cos you're going to therapy. I'm not like that- I thought you knew that-"
"I do, I do," I insisted.
"I don't think you're weird or psycho, or mentally disturbed, or any other of the words you think I'd call you. I'm not ashamed of you, I'm proud" Frank whispered into my hair.
I looked up at him and kissed him gently, showing him how much I appreciated him. He kissed me back softly and deeply. Warmth flooded my lips.
"Thank you" I told him.

Frank smiled happily and cutely, squeezing my hand. The doors opened and we walked in, hand in hand. I was already over my mini-drama, just looking forward to my usual kiss from Frank at my home room door.

We reached my door and I pulled on Frank's hand to bring him closer to me. He seemed hesitant.

"I just wanted to say thanks for being so awesome about the therapy thing, baby. I really appreciate it" I said.

Frank had turned as white as a sheet, his eyes blank and his hands were sweating.
I pecked his lips, kinda scared of him throwing up on me.
The words fell out of Frank's mouth in a mashed up mess, but I heard them as clear as music. My heart burst, and I realized why Frank had been so weird.
Frank had been nervous about asking me to be his boyfriend.
That was the cutest thing. EVER.
"Of course I will," I smiled, almost giggling like a hyena.
Frank let out a massive breath of relief. "Thank god. Oh my god, I was totally freaking out. I've never asked anyone out before, especially not a guy" He grinned.
"I know! You should have seen your face, you went all pale and sweaty. It was adorable" I smirked.
"Fuck off, I was not sweating" Frank blushed.
"You were! It was cute, don't be embarrassed" I comforted.
"Whatever. I gotta go. I can't go to the cafeteria today, I have shit loads of art coursework to catch up on, but I'll see you later" Frank said, kissing my cheek.
"Hey, I could help you if you want. I do art too" I offered. What a stalker I was.
"OK, that'd be awesome. Meet you in room 42, yeah?"
"Yeah. Awesome" I smiled.

Frank reached up on his tip toes and kissed me deeply, and I almost had to grab onto the door handle.
"Bye boyfriend" Frank whispered straight to my face.
I watched MY BOYFRIEND walk down the corridor, his damn fine ass stalking the corridors. He was mine.

Frank Iero was MY BOYFRIEND.

♠ ♠ ♠
OK, so i'm kinda not sure if skulked is a word, but... whatever ;)

This chapter is for angy_kaulitz cos she always leaves the sweetest messages and she's been there since the beginning! thankyou, i really appreciate it!! xx