Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Paint Kisses

"Wow, you sure you want me here, I don't wanna ruin your concerntration" I laughed, watching him make fighting noises.
"Gee!" Frank enthused, jumping off the chair and running toward me. He threw his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I squeezed him back, my heart warming to seeing Frank so happy to see me.
Wow, Gee, you're romantic writing's really coming along, isn't it?
Shut up, I'm happy!

I fought with myself, but I cut it off. Nothing was going to ruin this moment for me.
I took the chance to take a quick smell of Frank- He smelt of peppermint and strawberries.
He pulled away from the hug and kissed for forcefully. It took me by suprise, but I kissed him back when my brain finally stopped fighting with itself.

"Mmm, someone's happy to see me" I smiled down to him.
"Maybe I am" He whispered back. Frank pecked my lips softly, taking my hand and leading me to his table.
"Is there no teacher in here?" I asked. Who in their right mind would leave Frankie on his own in an art room, where there were paints and glue?
"Nope. Just me and you, baby" He winked. Butterflies whirled around in my stomach.
"Nice. What are you drawing?"
"Oh, er, I don't even know man. Oh! Its a spaceman" Frank laughed. Frank's drawing was basically just a zombie in a spacesuit, floating in space, with the moon and stars behind it. It wasn't that good essentially, but the details were intricite and delicate.
"I didn't know you liked art" I said, watching him draw.
"Nah, I don't. I got kicked out of home ec cos I put vodka in my bread" Frank said, like it was nothing unusual.

"What?! You put vodka in bread?!" I asked, although I wasn't exactly sure why I was shocked.
"Yeah. It was disgusting. Anyways, she said we could but a special ingredient in it, so I did. She wouldn't have found out if that asshole Jimmy hadn't have stole some. He shouted, right in front of the teacher that it tasted of alcohol, and she tried some and nearly barfed. It was totally rad! I hated that class anyway" Frank shrugged.
"You know what? I'm not even suprised. Maybe you can make me some vodka bread some time? I really wanna try it" I laughed.
"Sure. Its not that bad if you concerntrate on the vodka part, not that its shit as bread" Frank smiled, bending right down to the paper.

I watched him as his tiny fingers rubbed at the page, scattering green powder everywhere.
"Sorry, you're probably bored out of your mind. I won't be long, I promise" Frank laughed nervously.
"I'm not bored. Its fun watching you" I blushed.
"Aw, you're so sweet!" He mocked, putting on a 'what a cutie pie!' voice.
"Thank god someones finally realised!" I laughed.
Frank went back to his work.
"Hey, um, don't kill me, but..." I hinted, reaching for the paper, then hesitating.
"Fucking take it" Frank smirked, rolling his eyes at me.

"OK, if you really want me to" I sighed. I took the paper and the chalk from Frank's hands and coloured in over his shading on the spacesuit. I rubbed circles in it, so it looked textured.
I spent alot of my time drawing, and colouring. It was my escape and my passion, I took double art at school and I did it all the time at home. When I was drawing, the world didn't exist, it was just me and the colours.

"Wow. That looks awesome! How do you do that?!" Frank gasped, his lips in an O shape.
"Its easy. Try it" I handed over the chalk to Frank and he tried to copy me. His were a little rougher than my fingers, but it still looked good.
"Aw, man, its shit!" Frank complained.
"No, its good! Just keep trying" I laughed at his impatience. He gave me a huffy look.
"Urgh, give it here" I smiled, and continued my pattern over the leg of the space suit.
Frankie wiped his finger on my nose, giggling at himself.
"Really? Are we that cliched now?" I rolled my eyes at him playfully.
"Pretty much" Frank shrugged.
"Well I'm not about to buy into such childishness" I stated, head held high.
"Oh come on, you know you want to" Frank giggled again, dragging his hot finger against my cheek.

Frank's eyes turned darker, and he let out a little breath that came out a kind of growl.
I placed my hand on Frank's face, and made my thumb graze his bottom lip.
"Mmm, that feels so good" Frank groaned, whispering.
I carried on, pleased I was making him feel like he made me feel just by looking at me.
I kissed his lips softly, and I stayed there, until he kissed me back. His lips were damp and rough, making the sensation rawer.
When Frank kissed me back, he pulled my face towards him and folled a perfect kiss onto my lips. It was gentle and sweet. I moved closer, and he grabbed my waist, his warm hands shooting heat into my veins.

Frank pulled away, leaving me cold and suprised. He walked over to the cupboard. I stood up, not letting him get away with kissing me then leaving me so abruptly. Frank went to shut the door, and I pushed him against it.
"It case you didn't understand, I didn't mean for you to walk away from me" I told him, inches from his face. I forced a kiss onto Frank's lips, and he responded immediately. Our tongues crashed together for the first time, wet and smooth, and I moaned in satisfaction.

"Well, this is unexpected" Frank sighed, a smile planted on his face.
"What can I say, i'm unpredictable" I shrugged, moving even closer to Frank.
"That you are" Frank laughed, and he pulled my face to his and kissed me passionatley.
His hand wandered over to me sides, where he trailed them up and down my skin. I almost screamed in delight.
I wrapped my arms around Frank's waist, pulling him straight to my body.
"Hey, Gee" Frank giggled.
"Take your shirt off" He said, laughing slightly, but deadpan.
"What?! I can't, Frank, what if a teacher walks in?!" I gasped.
Did he actually expect me to take my shirt off, in school?! In an art room? I was horny but I wasn't stupid.
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"Artwork" my arse ;)