Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Disappearing Shirts

"Come, on, it'll be fun. Hey-" He said, pulling his arms from my sides. He pulled his shirt over his head and dumped it on the floor.
I took in the sight of Frank's goregously pale mid-drift, the sharp lines of his shoulders and his large arm's. My brain turned to mush and I could just about piece together words.
"Frankie, what are you doing?!" I exclaimed, my voice turning a notch higher.
"Encouraging you. Come on" He smiled, trailing a hand down my chest. My body screamed in pleasure at Frank's touch.
"Frank, stop it, I can't" I moaned, shaking with excitment.
"Really?" He whispered in my ear, letting a shiver run through me.
"OK" I groaned. I looked at either side of me, then in front of me, where Frank was stood, looking pleased with himself.

I pulled my shirt off quickly, dropping it on the floor. I was terrified. What if we got caught? What if a teacher walked in right now, dragged us to the principle's office and made us come clean about what we were actually doing? What would we say? Sorry, sir, we were both really horny and we thought we were alone. At least we weren't having sex?!
Frank made a little noise when my shirt came off and I felt weirdly proud. I didn't have the best body, especially not compared to Frank. I had always been self-concious about it, but I trusted Frank, I knew he wouldn't mock me.

"I wish all my art lessons were like this. I'd pay alot more attention" Frank giggled, stroking my chest.
"Shut up and kiss me"
We flew into each others arms, kissing wildly and touching each other wherever our hands grabbed first. We were moving around, desperatly trying to find somewhere to hold our porn scene.
"Frank!" I yelped, as I lost my balance and fell to the floor. Frank laughed giddily and fell with me, straight on top of me, our bare chests colliding, sending heat rushing through me.
"Hmm... Well look what we have here" Frank giggled. His eyes were darker than I'd ever seen them; a deep, dark chocolate that almost melted into his pupils.
"I'm starting to think this is the whole reason you asked me to help you- Just so you could seduce me" I grinned.
"Me? You're the one who pushed me into the cupboard and nearly ate my face off!" Frank laughed, kissing my jaw briefly, then sitting back up on top of me.
"Hey! You shouldn't have walked away from me. And don't act all innocent, like I attacked you"
"You did attack me!"
"Oh yeah, poor little Frankie, the victim in all this! Its not my fault you're so fucking gorgeous" I stated, leaning up and kissing him.
"You're such a fucking tease! Urgh! I hate you!" Frankie frowned playfully, pretending to be mad at me.
"No you don't" I laughed, matter of factly.
"No I don't, but I do when you tease me! And at school? If we weren't already late to class i'd fuck you so bad right now" Frank grinned, kissing the nape of my neck. I let myself dissolve into Frank's kisses, until my brain actaully starting working again.
"What?! We're late to class?! Shit!" I shouted, sitting up.
"I thought you knew" Frank said.
"No! Come on, we gotta go!" I said, and Frank climbed off me.
"I don't wanna! Lets stay here" Frank trailed his hand down my chest again, and I had to stop myself jumping on him.
"If I don't go to class, they'll call my mom, then she'll ask why I wasn't there, i'll lie, but she'll be suspicious of me all the time and I won't be able to see you" I told him, looking for my tshirt.
Frank mumbled in response.
"Come on, just do this one thing for me, please? I know i'm a pain being such an asswipe, but I can't not see you. Please. Pretty please?" I begged, giving Frank my best puppy dog eyes.
"Argh, fine. You're not a pain, either. I love that you're nerdy. You owe me, though. Big time" Frank gave in. I kissed him, touching his bare chest for the last time.
"Thankyou. And i'm taking your shirt" I smirked.
"What else you want, my virtue?" Frank asked, throwing his shirt to me.

Frank laughed, pulling my shirt on. It looked so much better on him than it did me. He placed his artwork back on the teachers desk and closed the door behind him, while I put his shirt on. It smelt like his house, and a little bit of sweat, which was twistedly awesome.
"Hmm, i'm gonna smell like you all day" Frank grinned when we approached my lesson. We were only a few minutes late, nothing criminal, thank god.

"I smell gross" I scoffed.
"No you don't! You smell delicious, all fruity and dark and mmm" Frank giggled.
I thought my weird smell fetish was one sided. How could I smell as good as Frank?
"Thanks. You smell better though., I don't know, but its amazing. Mainly its strawberries" I shrugged.
"Strawberries? Weird. I'll meet you by the gates, OK?" He asked.
"Yeah. Bye"
He kissed me one more time and walked off to wherever he goes when he's supposed to be in class.
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