Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Brotherly Love

I spun around, where Mikey was stood in the hallway right outside my open door. His face was in complete shock, his mouth so open I thought it might stay that way forever. It was the most expression I'd ever seen on his face.
I froze, scrabbling my brain for- anything to say.

"You and Frank are boyfriend and...boyfriend?!" Mikey asked, outraged.
"Er, yeah" I shuffled, my heart beating faster every second.
"What the fuck man?!" He asked, his face starting to return back to normal expressionless self.
"Well, he asked me-"
"Shut up" Mikey said, holding a hand up to stop me. He rushed inside my room and slammed my door shut. He sat on my bed and I did the same. Mikey was such a gossip.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Mikey asked, seeming a little hurt. It only happened yesterday, I didn't get chance" I told him, feeling bad.
"OK, well tell me everything now" Mikey giggled, clapping.

Endorphins seemed to rush to my brain, and I was happy, maybe just a little. It was like Frank was my drug, and as long as I was with him, talking about him, or when my brain allowed, able to think about him, everything was OK.

"OK! So, we were talking outside school yesterday, and he asked me what was wrong cos I was in a pissy mood. I told him about the therapy and mom being a total bitch, and he was so cool about it and so nice. So anyway, he walked me to my home room, and I was saying thanks for being so awesome and he just super pale and starting sweating, and he just sort blurted out be my boyfriend like one word! Oh my god, I was so happy! I said, yeah, obviously!" I enthused.

"Oh my god! Dude, that's so cool!"
"I know! I was so stoked! Oh my god, and then, I went to help him with his artwork at break and we took our shirts off!" I giggled.
Should I really be telling Mikey this?
"Dude, you're like, killing me"
"I know! I was helping him, and he put chalk on my nose-"
Mikey interrupted "Seriously?" His eyebrow flew up in sceptism.
"Yeah, I know, it was cheesy and that's what I said. I was like 'you're serious' and he was like 'come on' and he put it on my cheek, and it was hot, then he walked away!" I said, outraged.
"What?!" Mikey said, mirroring my tone.
"Yeah! I was like, what the fuck?! So i walked over to the cupboard and slammed him against it and said 'i didn't for you to walk away' and shoved myself on him. It. Was. Awesome!" I explained, shrieking like a hormonal teenage girl.
"No way!"

"Yeah! And then he said I should take my shirt off and I was like, what?! But he took his off first, and wow man... He's ripped! So I took mine off and...yeah. Then we fell on the floor-"
"You guys sound more like a movie every day" Mikey rolled his eyes.
"I know, but its so awesome! So yeah, but he told me we were late to class, and he wanted to stay but I was panicking like the coward I am and we went to class" I sighed, happy I'd told my story.
"Wow, man. You two are so horny for each other its kinda sweet" Mikey smiled.
"How are things with you and Hannah?" I asked.
"We kissed" He told me.

I felt like the worst brother ever. I'd been so concerned by my stupid little distresses that I'd missed Mikey's first kiss. How could I do that? He'd been so worried about it, and his own big brother hadn't been there to congratulate him and ask him for the disgusting details.

"Oh my god! Tell me about it!" I enthused, throwing as much happiness and glee into my words as possible.
"It I was kinda freaked out, but I just went with it, you know?" He shrugged.
"Come on, you think I'm gonna be happy with that? Details!"
How had I been such a dick?

"There isn't really anything to tell. We were at her house, sat on her bed, kinda like me and you are now, which is really weird. We just sorta nudged towards each other and it happened. She smelt really nice" Mikey blushed.
"That's so cute! Just once or..." I trailed off, wanting to hear more.
"Nah, a few times. I kissed her when I left, too" Mikey spoke softly, like he wasn't really bothered about telling me.
"Was she any good?" I asked.
He shrugged "Yeah. I don't really know. Anyway, dude, I gotta go, I'm going to meet her"
Mikey patted me on the shoulder, stood up and walked to the door. I was gonna say something, but my mouth wouldn't open before he opened the door.
"Mikey," I blurted, just as his hand pulled the handle.
"Yeah?" He said, turning around.

"I'm really sorry I wasn't there for you. I've been as ass, just being so self absorbed, and I'm really sorry" I apologized, my eyes almost filling with tears.
"Its OK. I could have done with you being there, but its fine. You're having a bad time, its not a weakness, Gee. All that matters is that you're here now" Mikey's mouth turned up at one side in 'you know' face.

I hated the fact that he was used to it, that Mikey almost expected this of me. How could I let myself get like this, get myself to be this weak?
"Mikey, I'm so sorry" I cried, rushing towards him and throwing him into my arms. I hugged him in a vice grip. I heard his gasp, but he hugged me back.
"Hey, dude, come on. Its OK" Mikey told me.
"No, its not. I've been a suckish brother and let you down" I cried.
"No, you haven't! You're an awesome brother, Gee, and you know it. Just cos you have your problems doesn't make you bad"

"Why are you so awesome?" I weeped.
"Cos I had a good role model"
I kissed Mikey's cheek and let go of him.
"You coming downstairs? Mom's still out" Mikey asked.
"Nah, I'm good. Have fun with Hannah" I smiled, sitting on the bed again.
"I will" Mikey smirked.

He walked out the door, waving to me. I heard the front door slam. I rushed to my desk.
I stayed there till six in the morning. I drew for eleven hours straight. I drew random doodles, scribbles, then I started with characters. I drew Mikey as a superhero, and I started drawing a little comic, but then it went back to weird scribblings on things and superheroes.

I fell asleep on my desk, and when Mikey came to see if I was OK in the morning, he had to practically carry me to bed.
Frank came by later and told me all about his day. He said that it was weird me not being there. He kissed me and told me that he loved me again. I actually slept that night.
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I'm being so generous to you tonight!! you lucky, lucky readers!!