Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Blue Hoodie, Black Hair

The next morning, i woke up in a foul mood. I don't know why, but i did know one thing- No-body, no matter jock, cheerleader or teacher, wanted to get in my way today.
I stormed downstairs, nearly breaking the wooden stairs.
"Jesus, someone's menstral!" Mikey joked, standing at the door.
"Fuck off" I spat. I didn't look up at him.
We walked in silence, my bus journey being essentially OK. I stood in my place outside school, somehow trying to justify my anger at every person who passed me. I hated judging people, and I hated people who inflicted snap judgements on people, but today i was judging freely, and I couldn't give a shit.
A small figure passed me, his head covered in a black hoodie, his hands plunged deep into the front pocket. He looked down, never coming up for air. A little lock of black hair strayed from his hoodie, and despite his small frame, his black skinny-jean clad legs rushed along at an impressive speed.
Who was he? I know I would have noticed him if I'd seen him before.
His hood fell down as he found a place on the pavement alone. I caught a fast glimpse of his face, and i didn't regret it.
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Oooh, whats gonna happen? Who is he? Keep reading!