Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want


"I gotta go, Gee" Frank told me quietly.

"Wh-No, don't go" I whispered. I felt like my voice was actually unable to go any louder.

"I gotta. Sorry, I'll see you tomorrow, K? You gonna be at school?" He asked, stroking my hair.

I shook my head.
Things were getting better, but there was no way I could go in. I hated myself for being so cowardly.

"OK. I'll come round tomorrow night, yeah? Unless you don't want me to" Frank mumbled the last part, unsure of himself.

"Of course I want to see you tomorrow! Have you lost your mind?" I smiled, kissing him gently on the lips.

"Maybe I have. And its all your fault!" Frank giggled.

"Good plan, blame the depressed one" I rolled my eyes and he climbed out of the bed.

"That's how I roll" He smirked.

I got out of my bed for the first time all day and threw Frank into my arms, squeezing him in a huge embrace. I heard him let out a surprised laugh, then he hugged me back just as forcefully.

"You feeling better?" He whispered into my ear.

"Yeah. You made me better" I told him, slightly embarrassed by my words.

"Glad I could be of assistance" I could hear the smile in Frank's voice, and he pulled away from the embrace that was probably suffocating him.

I kissed Frank one last time, trying to communicate how glad I was that I had him.

"Thanks for visiting me. You're the best boyfriend ever" I said, intertwining our fingers and twisting them.

"Of course I visited you. I couldn't manage a full day without my Gee! And thanks, that's really nice" Frank replied, squeezing my hand.

"Its the truth. Sorry, I'll get you into trouble. Night" I said, kissing his cheek.

"I like trouble" He winked. "Bye"

Our fingers fell away from each other, and he waved me goodbye before leaving my room.
I smiled to myself, actually a little happy.

"Boyfriend?!" Mikey shouted.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know, i know, i haven't updated in so long, i was actually BUSY this weekend! yeah, i know!! it shocked me too! me and my friends walked round the big complex thing chasing gorgeous dudes!!! i would never cheat on my Frank though!!

Even though he's cheating on me...
Even though we don't even go out
Even though i'm 14, and he's 34
Even though he doesn't know i exist...

Oh well!!
comment! still not sure whether to upload my other Frerard, heres a little taster...

You know when you read superohero stories, or fairy tales, and you always think that the main hero is the best man in the world; he has power, he has a moral code thats in tune with the universe, he cares about people, he values people and their quirks, he saves people from burning buildings for gods sake.
For me, i already knew the superhero.
He was my best friend, and i couldnt tell him that he was my super hero.
Cliched but true. I sound like a bad teenage movie, but thats how i feel.
He didnt know that i admired him, so, so much, that i wouldnt be the person i was today without him.
I was pretty sure he didn't feel the same way as me: I was a short, black haired punk who rocked out on his guitar day and night. What was there to look up to about that?

tell me what you think of it and if i should upload the rest!!!