Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Homophobic Acts

Frank occupied a blue chair by the Principles desk, the one next to it empty. Mr. Kinton was stood in the right hand corner, hands clasped behind his back, his eyes looking down on me like he'd just seen a Nazi walk into the room.

I nearly expected him to say 'Ah, Mr. Way. I've been expecting you' but I wasn't in luck.

Frank turned around and he had desperation and sarcasm in his eyes. I instinctively placed my hand on his face and stroked his cheek.

I heard a disgusted sigh come form Mr. Kinton, and the Principal looked at him with annoyance.

"Sit down, Mr. Way" the Principal told me, gesturing towards the seat. I didn't know he was British.

I did as I was told, and sat down next to Frank, grabbing his head then letting go. We didn't want to be 'inappropriate'.

"Now, Mr. Iero, Mr. Way, I've heard that you two were acting inappropriatly this morning, and you, Mr. Iero, were very rude to Mr. Kinton here" the Principal said in that neutral tone that all teachers used.

No-body actually knew the Principal's name. Most of us thought it was Mr. Timones, but no-one knew for sure. We never saw him, and when we did, he stood there awkwardly, talked for a few seconds, and walked off. This was the most i'd heard him talk.

I quickly decided that I preferred him when he was silent.

"We weren't acting inappropriately, we were holding hands. We weren't being obvious about it" Frank sighed.

"Well, Mr. Kinton?"

"They were being ridculous; flaunting themselves and showing off this" He snarled.

"Hey!" Frank shot up from his seat, standing up to Mr. Kinton. He may have been short but he was taller than even Mr. Kinton would ever be.

"Sit down, Mr. Iero" the Principal sighed. He clearly didn't want to be here, but he seemed like he didn't really have anything else better do. He seemed bored more than anything.

Frank gave Assface one last glare and sat back down.

"I don't have anything against you, sir, but do you think Mr. Kinton would come in here if it was a straight couple holding hands?" Frank asked, leaning on the desk and looking straight at the principal.

"I don't wish to assume, Mr. Iero-"


"Frank. I don't mean to assume, but you and Mr. Way-"

"Gerard" Frank said, turning to smile cheekily at me.

"Gerard, are gay?" He wasn't condescending like anyone else who would ask that question, he was simply curious.

"Yes, thats right" Frank blushed a little, but I was glad he was proud and able to admit it.

"Thankyou for the clarification, Frank. Now, Mr. Kinton, I pressume and hope you are not homophobic?" the Principals eyebrows flinched upwards, suggesting a 'come on' look at Mr. Assface.

"No but I- I don't fully agree. Especially not on school grounds. This is a school that prides itself on its appearence, and if-"

"Are you trying to say that Frank and Gerard's sexuality tarnishes our image, Mr. Kinton?" the Principal asked, almost sarcastically.

He was a good guy. He knew what Assface was up to and he didn't like it.

From what I gathered, he didn't like Assface, period.

I figured out that he was the kid at elementary school that always ratted our the other kids to the teacher, running to them when someone spilt juice on the ABC carpet.

"No, I-"

"I hope not. Because while you say this school prides itself on appearence, it does the contrary; it prides itself on looking after the students inside the school" Principal articulated. I wanted to hug him and scream with smugness.

"You OK?" Frank leant his body over to me. He had to whisper so he didn't catch the teachers attention.

"Yeah. Little freaked out" I shrugged.

"Its OK. I've been here loads a times, this is the first time i've been with Principal. He's alright. I thought he'd be a dick" Frank rolled his eyes.

"Are you OK?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah am OK" He responded.

"Right, Mr- Frank and Gerard, I have decided that since Mr. Kinton is defending his honour so vehemntenly, that I will have to call your parents to inform them of the situation. I was not present at the incident, so I have no choice. Mr. Kinton, give us a minute, please" Principal practically shooed him out.

"Look, boys" He started, leaning across the desk. "I want you to know that I am not homophobic in the slightest, and I had no qualms about you showing your affection for one another on school grounds. I'm homosexual myself, so I know how hard this is for you. Its unfair and cruel and shouldn't occure, but unfortunately it does, especially by bigots like Kinton. You have my full support if you want to take this further. Kinton is rather an... outdated character. If anything else happens that bothers you, please let me know and i'll do all that is in my power to help it. Unfortunately, this is out of my hands as I was not there to witness it"

Wow. the Principal spoke strongly and confidently. He spoke to us like he actually cared about us. It was good to know that there was someone who identified with us, that we weren't alone.

"Thanks, sir. It means alot to know that you are willing to support us" I said, a little surprsied at myself for speaking up. Frank seemed surprised too.

"Thankyou, Gerard. I must go, I have another meeting, Mr. Kinton will be back soon, and you're parents are on their way. I'm so sorry about this" Principal apologised again, rushing out. The door shut, and I heard Frank breathing heavily.

"Frank whats wrong?" I asked.

"Mom. My moms gonna be here and she's gonna find out i'm gay, and that I have a boyfriend, and she's gonna freak out and get so mad at me. I can't do it, I can't do it!" Frank rushed, his words spluttered out of his mouth in a frantic and scared manner.

"Hey, hey, thats not gonna happen. She was gonna find out sooner or later, at least it'll be out of the way soon" I went and knelt in front of him.

"No, it won't! She's really strict Catholic, she's gonna hate me and say i'm going to hell. She'll completly disown me, and she'll tell my family, and they'll disown me too" He gushed, little tears falling out of his eyes for the second time today.

"Frank, Frank, look at me. I know this isn't easy. I've been through it, its horrible but your mom'll accept you for who you are, and if she doesn't- well, you can stay with us until she comes round. Seriously, if she places her imaginary god before her own son she really isn't worth the time" I told him.

"She won't come around!"

"I'm so sorry, Frank. I didn't mean to put you through this" I sighed, holding his head to my shoulder.

Now i'd fucked up Mikey and Frank's life. I was being so selfish. If I hadn't have pushed myself onto Frank like that he'd never be in this siutation.

He'd still be gay, but he'd have the time to prepare telling her, but instead I was making this horrible situation happen even faster when he wasn't ready and so fragile.

"Don't be sorry" Frank said firmly, holding my head in his hands. "I am not ashamed of you. You need to know that, OK? I'm not ashamed of being gay either. I'm just pissed off at how this has all happened, not you, not us, just how I have to tell my mom, but I can't do anything about it. Don't be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about. I love you and I'm proud of you being my boyfriend"

I almost cried too.

Frank pecked my lips gently and I sat back in my chair.

"Your mom's probably gonna have a lot of questions, so just answer 'em as honestly as possible and she'll be cool" I said, talking from my own experience.

When I'd told my mom and dad I was gay, my dad looked at me in disgust, walked out the room and slammed the door.

My mom handled her shock by asking questions; hundreds and hundreds of questions. It got to the point of ridiculous after a while, but I answered them all, in the hope it would make it better for her.

"OK. Thanks, Gee" Frank smiled, still unhappy.
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Sorry my recent update are so long, if I make them shorter it'll get tedious, reading chapter after chapter of the same situation.

hope you're enjoying it! xxxxxxx