Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Mommy Sass

"Well, Mrs. Way, I was just about to talk to you about punishment-"

My mom butted in, "Punishment? Don't you even dare. You can't punish my son for being gay. Its a law or something, and even if it isn't, i'm not going to let you punish my son for holding his boyfriend's hand. There's no way you'd react this way if it was a straight couple, and don't deny it because we both know its the truth. I find your behaviour appauling, Mr. Kinton, and had Gerard not have been in the crucial year for his exams, he would have been out of this school faster than you could say gay pride. I'm reporting you to the school, and to the Governing Board of Teachers. I'm going to kick up just as must fuss as you did- I hope then you'll know what its like to be judged and humiliated" My mom snarled, the words storming out of her mouth like soldiers.

I was so proud I felt like Hi-Fiving her like in a bad movie.

"Come on, Gerard, we're going. He's taking the day off, and I expect you to fill in a full report of what I said, and where he is now. Inform all the teachers cos I damn sure aren't writing a letter" My mom told him, bussing me out the door.

"Wow, mom, that was amazing!" I gushed when we were out of the office.

"Where do you think your sass comes from?" My mom grinned.

We rode home in the car, actually talking for once.

"Look, Gerard, I just wanted to say... about the therapy thing. I never wanted to put you in it, but I felt like I had no choice. I don't want you ending up like me" Mom said, not looking directly at me.

"I know. I don't blame you for sending me either. I was depressed and I still get little bits of it and I always will. I think it'll be good for me, I just don't like the idea of it" I told her.

I'd already figured out that since I was happy now, I wouldn't have to go to therapy for that long. They'd look at me, see I was improving and let me go. No tests, no assessments. Well, maybe a few.

"Yeah, I get that. When I went, I was so scared the first time I threw up" Mom laughed.

"I didn't know you went to therapy" I said.

"It was when your dad and I first broke up. I went when you two were at school. It helped me alot"

I had no idea mom had gone to therapy. I'd always thought she'd had the same attitude as me towards therapy; For saps and people who can't deal with emotions.

I wondered what drove her to it. It made my mind a little more open to the idea.

The rest of the drive was taken in relative silence, but I knew things had changed, for the better.
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Ahhh, i do love Frerard.

Watching Desperate Housewives, Bree makes me proud to be a ginger!! even if she isn't a real ginger (is she? if anyone knows, please leave me a comment!)

You guys make me feel a little less lonely.