Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

His Eyes, His Lips, His... FACE!

The mystery figure had the most beautiful face i'd ever seen. He had shocking light brown eyes, with a little green mixed in. His wonderful eyes were framed by long, thick dark eyelashes. His lips were pink and full, with a silver ring piercing them in right corner of his bottom lip. His nose was just the right size, small and cute. His skin was creamy, pale caramel coloured and completely clear. His eyes were outlined with black eyeliner. The more I looked at him, the more glorious he became.
He caught me gazing at him, and he looked up, giving me a happy and genuine smile. My breathe caught in my throat, and I realized what i had to do.
Kiss him.
You fucking stupid whore! I screamed to myself inside my head.
I knew what I really had to do, which was smile back. I did, somehow nervous he'd reject it.
Gorgeous looked up through his lashes, a grin fastly spreading on his lips, a blush forming in his cheeks.
I looked back at him, giving him a smirk back. He licked his lips, leaving them wet and moist in the cold air.
I bit my own lip, pushing my teeth hard on my bottom lip. Across from me, I saw his eyes flicker with something wild and untamed. It made me want him so bad.
The doors of school opened, and everyone rushed in. I gave Him one last look, and he gave me a delicious grin back. I hoped we'd maybe be squeezed together in the crowd of cold students barging into school, but there was no such luck.
I knew I'd be thinking of him all day.
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think?
love ya x ;)