Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want


My heart stopped, my breath caught in my throat, my stomach heaved.

"W-what?" I spluttered.

"My mom said I'm not allowed to see you. She said you're bad for me and I wouldn't be gay if it weren't for you. But I don't wanna break up with you" Frank weeped.

"I don't wanna break up with you. And we're not going to. We'll figure something out, and we still have school" Tears streamed down my face and my face blushed violently.

"No, my mom called Mr. Kinton and told him that he has to make sure we're not together. He's gonna be watching us, Gee. Like it wasn't prison enough, now there's fucking watchmen" He sobbed.

Why was this happening? There's nothing wrong being being gay, why was Frank being punished for it?

Being a Christian was not an excuse for bullying and judging someone. Putting God between difference isn't right. People think they can justify their hatred because there's a higher deity preventing them from being a good person. Its such a lie, being a good person doesn't involve a god: It involves morals and ethics and having a good heart.

Frank was being reprimanded for something that wasn't his fault, that was out of his control.

And even if it was his choice, which it wasn't, why should he be punished? If he was gay he was gay, its no-one elses business.

"Seriously? W- Well, we'll figure something out. I can't- I can't not be with you, Frank. I can't" I shook with sadness.

"I know, but maybe-"

"Don't you dare. Don't, don't! We're gonna be fine. OK, um, look, we can do the whole secret thing" I rushed, desperatly trying to persuade him.


"No. Stop. You think we're gonna stop now, when we've put so much into this? You're the only person in the world besides Mikey and Ray I actually like, that I love. You can give up on this but I'm not. Please, Frank, please. Do you- unless you don't love me" I whispered the last part, terrified of the answer.

"I love you, I do, of course I do, but I- What if my mom found out? She'd make me move schools" Frank sniffed.

"We'll keep it secret. I won't tell my mom and you don't tell yours. We don't tell anyone, no-one at all. We can meet up somewhere where no-one will know us. It'll be difficult, I know, but-"

"Its worth it"

There was silence, and every second felt like years.

My mind kept wandering to the idea of life without Frank, on giving up on all of this, and a shiver fell down my spine. I always got that feeling when I thought about Frank, but now it was cold and its shook my to my core- For the first time, I was scared of this, I was scared of what could happen.

Before I had the consolation that if me and Frank didn't work out as a couple we'd still be friends, but now I didn't have that, because I wouldn't see him.

"You wanna do this?" I whispered, sort of hoping he didn't hear so I wouldn't have to hear the answer.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do. I'll talk to you tomorrow, asshole's gonna be watching us tomorrow morning so, uh, i'll meet you, at the back field?" as Frank sniffled and breathed in, calming himself down, I did too.

"Yeah. OK. Then you can come to mine? My mom doesn't get in until seven. Mikey'll be out" I offered.

"Awesome. OK, yeah"

There was a pause, as both of us contemplated how our lives had changed.

Secrecy was now the biggest part of our relationship.


Huh, it wasn't as scary to think as I thought it would be.

"Gerard?" Frank snuffled.


"I miss you"

"I miss you too, baby" Fat tears rolled down my face once again, and my voice quivered.

"Don't cry. Please, don't cry 'cos i'll start again. I never fucking cry! I'm a tough guy!"

Frank laughed, and it felt so good to finally hear him just a little happy.

"A tough guy thats scared of spiders" I smiled, rolling my eyes at the memory.

"Hey!" Frank sniffled, his tone watery.

"You know I love it" I giggled.

"How could I have even thought of giving you up?" Frank said, and I could feel my tears dry.

"Thats not important, baby. We're still here, remember that" I told him.

"I gotta go, but I will. I love you" Frank's voice became frantic and hushed again.

"OK. I love you too. See you tomorrow, back field yeah?" I asked, just in case he'd forgotten.

"Yeah. Bye"

Frank hung up, and I tried not to cry again.

How had this happened? Why was Mr. Kinton such a homophobic dick? Why was Frank's mom being so hateful towards us? Why was everything so fucked up?

I knew one thing, though.

I wasn't going to let myself get depressed all over agin. Frank needed me, and there was no way I was being selfish yet again and baracading myself up. I was gonna be there for Frank, and for Mikey, and Ray, if he needed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
its been so long, like it always is, but my stupid fucking 'family' are having a meltdown again. i swear, i'm not related to most of them.

anyone seen the pics from the HP premier?? PHWOOOOOAR Rupert Grint!!! I'd write his broomstick any day ;) oh how risque i am!!

I'm going to abroad with skool soon so an update may be slow, but you'll get one eventually!!! xxx