Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Back Field Kisses

I walked towards the back field of school, my legs shaking and my palms sweating.

What if Frank didn't show up? What if he decided that his mom was right, being gay was unnatural, and I was the one keeping him in hell?

Somehow I couldn't believe the last part, but it still circulated in my mind.

I saw a little black figure in the distance, and I wished that it was Frankie.

As I got closer, I realized it was him.

I climbed up the grassy hill to where Frank was stood, no iPod, just his fingers messing with his hoodie sleeves, his teeth biting down on his bottom lip.

"Gerard" Frank said franctically when I finally got up to the top of the hill. He sounded like he hadn't seen me for years.

Frank pulled me into a massive hug, his warm arms wrapping around my back. I hugged him back tightly. He pulled away and kissed me closely and gently, but full of force.

"I'm sorry for what I said last night. I don't even know why I said it, I didn't mean it, I don't ever wanna be away from you" Frank rushed, kissing me again.

"Stop apologizing. Its fine, I'm not mad at you, OK? Forget it. Has your mum said anything else to you?" I asked, as Frank slipped his hand into mine and we headed for the building.

"She said that I need to stay away from you, and if she finds out I have been seeing you, she'll send me to a Catholic school" Frank almost laughed, but he was too devestated by his mom's abadonment.

"That'd prove miracles exist to the closest gays at the catholic school- You turning up in all your gorgeous glory" I tried to cheer him up.

Frank kissed me quickly again, softly.

"Thanks, baby" He whispered.

"I'll meet you at the field again, yeah?" I asked as we got too close to the building to be undeteched.

"Yeah. I'm gonna miss you" Frank smiled, kissing me again. He was being very affectionate, which I enjoyed massively.

I loved when he was touchy in the horny way, but I preferred it when it was sweet and loving, because it meant I saw a softer side of Frank that I only saw occassionally.

"I'll miss you to, but i'll see you in three hours, and we can make up for lost time" I grinned, stroking his arm.

"Actually, thats what I had planned for tonight" Frank said, looking up through his dark lashes, his eyes burning yellow.

"What?" I asked, totally confused.

"I thought I was coming to yours tonight?" Frank asked, and I felt a wave of guilt wash over me.

"Oh, yeah, of course! Yeah, so, what we talking about?" I asked, smirking.

"Little bit of this, little bit of that. I was thinking a minimalist theme with clothing" Frank suggested, dragging his finger down my chest.

"Oooh, OK. That sounds awesome. I'll meet you at mine, then?"

"Yeah. I love you" Frank kissed me again, his warm lips heating me up.

"I love you too. Bye"

I walked forward, and Frank walked left.

My hand felt empty and cold, and when I got to my home room for the first time without Frank, tears spiked my eyes, but I held up the thought of tonight with him. It kept me sane all day, until the thought of

'Is this what it's always gonna be like?'

Popped into my head.

My stomach knotted with panic, and I thought I was gonna be sick.

I knew Frank was worth it, there was no doubt in my mind about that, he was worth the effort.

But why should we have to put so much effort in? Why couldn't it be as easy as anyone else's relationsip? I'm not saying relationships are easy, fuck me, they're difficult at the best of times, but why was it even worse for us?
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Theres a back field at my school and whenever i go out there now i always picture frank and gee kissing there :)

PS. i can't believe i spelt school 'skool' on my last comment!!!! urgh, i'm disgusted in myself!! i'd just been texting!!! please forgive me!!