Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Naked Love

I put my key in the door, while Frank was kissing the back of my neck with his wet lips. He drifted round the the sensitive skin of the front of my neck.

"Will you let me open the door?" I said sarcastically, fumbling with the key.

"Eventually" Frank laughed, still caressing me.

I finally opened it, stepped inside and Frank twirled me round, wrapped his strong arms around my waist and kissed me deeply. I joined in eagerly, letting my hand rest on his hips.

"I missed this" Frank sighed, his lips leaving mine.

"Missed what? We kissed earlier today" I giggled, knowing what he meant, but, the selfish person that I am, wanting to hear him say it.

"Since we've been together, you give me one day we haven't kissed in three hours" Frank said, smirking.

I thought hard, making my mind think back.

"Exactly. Its been way too long" Frank said, kissing me again.

"I think we should go upstairs" Frank whispered, right into my ear. He nibbled at the lobe lightly, then returned to face me.

His eyes were turning darker, his lips were red and moist and swollen, his skin just a shade pinker that usual.

Frank must have got bored of waiting for a response and taken my blantent staring as a 'yes', because he took my hand and led me upstairs.

My body shook in excitment.

When Frank walked through my bedroom door, he let me go and started unbuttoning his jeans.

"What are you doing?!" I asked, clearly knowing what he was doing, but so overwhelmed that it was the only thing that came to my head.

"What does it look like?" Frank rolled his eyes playfully.

"Like you're taking your clothes off" I smiled, unable to control my hapiness.

"Pretty much" He sighed, smiling, letting his jeans fall the floor. He'd already taken his shirt off.

Frank swayed towards me, a massive grin on his face, his eyes mischievous. He stopped when he was nose to nose with me. His hands fell to my jeans.

"You want me to help you with that?" Frank smiled. I didn't have anything to say, because my overwhelming sense of what was maybe happening was circulating my mind.

Were we gonna have sex?

Everything seemed like it, we were alone, no-one would be in for hours, we loved each other, we were both horny, we hadn't been together like this for so long, plus there was the whole secrecy thing that was a total turn on.

I just nodded.

"OK, then" Frank whispered. He looked down, undoing my button.

His fingers were cold on my skin. Frank slowly undid my zip and pulled my jeans down.

He stood there, just staring at me for a few seconds.

Frank pecked me on the lips, then tugged my shirt over my head gently.
My breath caught in my throat.

We both stood there and stared at each other for a few seconds, further apart.

Frank's finger went underneath his black boxers and dragged across the line. He pulled them down just a little, and I caught a little peek at his pubic bone and some other pubic stuff.

"Like that?" Frank whispered.

"Yeah" I whispered back.

He pulled his boxers down a little more, and I saw the top of his dick.

I felt my erection harden.

My brain went into overdrive, and I walked over to Frank, as close as I could.

I looked into his eyes, and saw everything i'd ever wanted.

I placed my fingers on either side of Frank's boxers, and pulled them slowly all the way down.

Frank looked up at me with slight surprise, but full anticipation in his eyes. He gave me one look to say 'Yeah?' and I nodded slightly.

Frank pulled down my boxers slowly.

We stood there again, staring at each other, completely naked. I felt like I knew something else about him now, that our relationship had deepened, there was another layer to us, and it was new and exciting.

I took in the sight of Frank naked, his creamy skin exposed, the soft skin stretched over his penis.

Frank kissed me softly and led me to my bed. I pulled the covers over us, and I kissed him, realising how much I missed being able to do it with looking over my shoulder.

"I missed you so much" I told him. And I had.

I had missed his touch, his smell, his hand on mine, everything about him. I needed him all the time.

"You won't have to anymore. I'm gonna be here, all the time, OK? I want you to know that if you need me, I want you to want to come to me" Frank whispered. Our arms were wrapped around each others bodies, our faces so close.

"I know you're here. And I do want to come to you, I need to" I said, nuzzling my head into his neck.

"Thanks" Frank murmered.

I kissed him again, and he took the kiss from with me and ran with it. His tongue darted in and out my mouth, licking mine.

Frank climbed on top of me, his naked body warm on mine. His mouth went down to my chest and my stomach, then to my pubic bone.

"Oh my god! Oh, Frank!" I shouted, about bursting with pleasure.

Franks warm lips caressed ny shivering skin delicately, lower and lower...

He drifted back upwards with his tongue trailing up in a line. I nerve endings were exploding, and all I could think about was Frank being so close to my dick.

He kissed a sensitive spot on my chest and my back arched with delight. He sucked right in the centre of my sensitive area and bit it lightly.

The sensation sent ripples of pure desire and pleasure through me, making me jolt upwards.

"Frank!" I screamed. I felt a little giggle escape onto my bare skin, and that felt even better than the kisses.

He moved from my chest to right in front of my face, to peck my lips.

"I just gave you a hickey" Frank giggled, proud of himself.

"Yes you did" I smiled breathlessly.

He started kissing my jaw again, and he bit the skin on my neck. I felt his teeth penetrate my skin and it made me scream.

Frank giggled against my skin.

He sucked at the reddened skin, licking and kissing it gently, then rough, then gentle again. I 'Oo' ed and 'Mm'ed at Frank's every kiss.

He left my neck and kissed caressed my jawline again, then drifted to the space between my jawline and ear lobe, and licked it softly, up and down.

My erection was becoming painful now, and Frank's kisses were getting hotter and hotter.

Frank's head nestled onto my chest, his soft black hair tickling the nape of my neck. I stroked it, and he sighed in response.

"Hey, so I was thinking, since my mom never goes out, i'd have to come to yours most of the time when we meet. Is that gonna be OK, if it isn't just tell me, I know I can get a bit annoying" Frank said, kissing my chest.

"Of course its OK. Don't be stupid, you're not annoying. My mom won't mind" I shrugged, hoping I was right.

"Awesome. Hey, we should actually, you know, go out. As in, outside some time. We haven't even been outside as... you, know, a couple... forever! We've been out once. And before you say anything, school does not count. Thats really bad!" Frank yelped.

Now that I thought about it, we hadn't been out for months.

I was more introverted than Frank, but I like going out. It couldn't be that bad. It wouldn't be bad, it'd be awesome. What would we do though? Last time we kissed obnoxiously in front of everyone.

"That sounds amazing, sure. Wait- Shit! What about your mom. If she finds out from someone that they saw us together we're screwed" I sighed.

Why did it have to be like this?!

"Fuck. Everything has to have a fucking implication" Frank said, anger in his voice. His teeth were gritted and his brow was furrowed.

"Hey, hey" I shusshed him, wrapping my arms round him tighter. "Don't worry about it, OK? Its gonna be fine. We'll just... I don't know but we'll figure something out, OK? Theres a way around everything and I'm gonna find a way out of this. It's all gonna be fine, better than fine, its gonna be amazing. We can't help everything thats happened but thats what we've got so we gotta work around it" I told him.

It was funny- It sounded like something Frank would tell me.

"I actually love you. I mean, I know i've said 'I love you' before, but I'm... I'm in love with you"

I froze.

Frank was in love.

With me.

How did that work? How could he be in love with me? I didn't understand, the words didn't penetrate my ears, they just stopped in front of them and drifting away.

Someone was in love with me. I'd always distantly dreamed that one day i'd fall in love with someone who loved me back, and we'd live 'happily ever after'.

Now it was happening, I couldn't believe it. It was almost like I didn't want to believe it, because if I'd been hurt so bad before, and this was such a powerful dream of mine that it couldn't possibly be true. It was like I couldn't imagine it actually being real, that it would always be a dream.

But I realised-

The amazing, wonderful person who loved me was Frank, it had always been him, and now he actually loved me.

And I loved him.

I did, I did. I loved Frank.

My heart screamed, adrenaline pumped through my veins as a wave of emotion hit me, and I felt like i'd been hit by a truck.

"I love you too. Seriously, I do" I told him.

Frank kissed softly and powerfully, his warm hand resting on my cheek and his thumb stroked at my pale skin.

"Wow. This is serious" Frank grinned.
♠ ♠ ♠
ooo!!!!! horny- 10/10!!!

the hit by a truck bit, i took from a quote form Gerard about falling in love. Fair enough, he meant with LynZ, but you know!! Frank and Gerard WILL be together one day, they WILL!!!

Love ya'll!!