Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want


When I arrived at Frank's, he opened the door and looked nervous.

It broke my heart.

He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, and I knew he was unsure of what to say.

"Hey" He muttered

"Hey" I smiled cautiously back.

There was silence for a few seconds, and I was too annoyed and angry to be a slave to my shyness.

I stepped up onto the step that seperated me from Frank and threw my arms around his warm body.

"I've seen you naked, I think we're past the awkward hey's" I smiled against his neck, nestling into his soft skin, and it felt like I was home- A relief.

Frank's arms flung around me and pulled me into his chest so tight I couldn't breath.

A pleasent suffocation, if you will.


I giggled. "Hi"

Frank pulled me off him and kissed me deep, his mouth crashing against mine, his warm hands niggling under my shirt and interlocking on my skin.

"You coming in or what?" Frank smiled, his forehead resting on mine.

"What about your mom?" I asked, worried about his response. Last time i'd mentioned her he wasn't exactly happy.

"Oh, yeah. Wait here" He said. He gave me what I think was intended to be a quick kiss, but ended up as a fully passionate embrace.

Frank turned and disappeared, and all I heard were distant voices. He stuck his middle finger up at his mom through the wall and smiled to me on his way back, grabbing his coat.

"Lets go" Frank said, shutting the door behind him.

"Where?" I frowned, lacing my hand in his.

"I dunno, around?" He smirked.

We walked around the block for hours, talking and giggling at inappropriate jokes. Then we ventured out and onto the field, then the park.

We sat down a dry spot of grass, and my question was almost exlpoding in my mouth.

"Why did my mom kick you out this morning?" I asked him, the words squishing together.

"Um, well, I was getting out of bed, and um, well, OK, I had no clothes on, but it wasn't like I was expecting anyone to be there! So I got up and wen to get my phone from my jean pocket and just as i was reaching for it your mom walked in. My cat like reflexes were on high alert, so I was able to grab the covers just in time. She started having this massive fit with me, screaming at me and shit, she threw my clothes at me and told me to get out. I don't have a fucking clue how you didn't hear her wails. I had to pull my jeans on under the covers. She practically chased me outta there!" Frank laughed.

"Seriously? Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed" I blushed, wishing the ground would swallow me whole.

"Why? It wasn't your fault" Frank comforted me.

"Well, wouldn't you be?! She was totally drunk, she isn't usually like that, I swear" I told him, wanting him to know my mom wasn't a total maniac.

Why was I defending her? She'd kicked Frank out and talked to me like shit, plus she was drunk, and had been hiding booze from me and Mikey. I hated her, but something inside me told me it was wrong if I didn't stick up for her.

"S'OK. Does she drink alot?" Frank asked, his head bowing but his eyes looking up at me through his long lashes.

"She used to, right after my dad left, but then she stopped. I don't know why its started again"

"Maybe she's been thinking about it too much" Frank offered.

"Maybe. Thanks for being so great about all my shit. I know it must take alot for you to put up with me, i'm not the easiest boyfriend in the world to manage" I scrunched my face up, truly grateful to him.

"You have nothing to thank me for. I wouldn't be a good boyfriend, or a friend, if I didn't deal with what you're going through with you. And no, you're not the easiest boyfriend to deal with but I don't care, I like you being unpredictable and kinda abstract 'cos at the end of the day, you know... thats who I fell in love with... I wouldn't want you any other way. You're my Gerard who gets depressed, who cries, who needs help, who smells me when I hug him- Yeah, I noticed. Its hard not to, you're kinda obvious" Frank smiled. "You're the Gerard that I love and I someday wanna-"

Frank cut himself short, his mouth closing, looking like he didn't intend on opening it soon, except for changing the subject.
♠ ♠ ♠

Its been, yet again, ridiculously long since I updated, i can't apologize enough, theres just been major drama and I haven't had time, i'm so sorry. I'm writing the bit after this now, so I hope you like this, Please keep commenting, i know i've been a sucky author. Please still love me, i still love you!

MoNSTERMiNISTER <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh, and by the way, after the next bit, theres gonna be LOTS OF GAY ACTION, because quite frankly, I is horny and i need to channel it into horny writing.