Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Someday Wanna Ellipsis

“Someday wanna what?” I pressed. Was he actually gonna say what I thought he was gonna say?

“Somedaymaybemarry” Frank muttered.

Oh…my Jesus. Marry? Oh my…oh my God!

Somebody wanted to marry me. ME. Me, the nerdy kid who never talked and was scared of other humans. How had this happened? How did I deserve to be married? And Frank had asked ME. The other way round, I could understand, completely, but it was just- Wow. The biggest flattery even. Frank loved me, that was more than I could ever ask for. He wanted to marry me? It- It didn’t enter my brain. I expected Frank to turn around and laugh in my face and walk off.

I’d never really considered marriage. I’d tried to imagine myself married, but whenever I did, the picture was always foggy, a little askew. It didn’t fit in my head. I saw no reason for marriage. Signing a marriage certificate meant the same to me as signing the certificate of a Cabbage Patch Kid; Nothing. Why do you need to make it official. If you love someone, being with them is enough commitment, living their life with them means more than a few ‘binding’ words. I saw no point of marriage.
I wasn’t religious, but I was unsure if Frank was. He didn’t wear a crucifix, he never mentioned anything on the subject, we’d never even had a conversation about it.

But this would be marriage with FRANK. FRANK. That meant something completely different.

“Really? I-Wow” I stuttered, still in shock.

“I didn’t mean to scare you. I just- Well, you know, since we were being honest” Frank muttered.

“How could you ask ME to marry YOU? You’re the one whose amazing, you puts up with my shit, who goes to the effort to be my friend, let alone my boyfriend. You- God, just the fact that you’re alive means more to me than anything” I told him.

“Whatever” Frank rolled his eyes. He shuffled towards me, placing his hands on my hips. He let his hands help him turn around and sit in my lap. He wrapped his arms around my neck, his fingers tracing shapes on the back of my neck.

The hair on the back of Frank’s head tickled my face, and I let myself inhale his gorgeous scent. He wasn’t facing me, but it was nice to have him so close.

Frank shuffled off me and repositioned himself on the grass. His balanced one leg on the grass and his knee crushed into the grass.

To put it into romantic terms, he was down on one knee.

“Just then, just being sat with you, I was all silent, just letting myself feel your breath on the back of my neck. I realised more than ever that… God, don’t hate me for being so Hollywood, but your breath is so important to me. That sounds stupid, I know. But it means you’re alive, and you’re breathing. With me. That seems so amazing to me. When I was sat there, I heard our breath in time and it- It just made me thankful. It kinda means our hearts are beating the same, and that’s what I’ve thought about from the day I met you. We’re in sync. Your heart beating is the most important thing to me in the world. When we sleep and I’m on your chest, I fall asleep so fast because I’m listening to your heart. Usually, I can’t sleep. I can sleep as long as I’m with you because I’m reassured your hearts beating, that you’re real. When I’m sad, I’m remind myself that I can listen to your heart. It always makes me feel better. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met, you fascinate me everyday.
You have this power over me and I never want it to stop. I know its won‘t, either. You make me so fucking happy. When I’m with you, the world can go fuck themselves. Its just you and me and that’s the way I want it to stay forever. Without your smile, without your laugh, your eyes, your way of loving me I- Well, I wouldn’t be here much longer. My life only becomes life when you’re in it. I wanna spend every single day with you, because when I’m with you…I can’t live without that feeling. I want you to marry me. I’m doing it properly now, right? Like all the films? I’m pouring my heart out and crying and now I know why its always like that- Its because you mean so fucking much to me that how could I not cry? I love you more than anything in this entire universe and I want to wake up every morning knowing that you’re there and that you’re part of my day, my life.
Marry me”
♠ ♠ ♠

OK, so before you leave and read the many other chapters I'm gonna upload tonight, I want to say a massive sorry. A big, blubbering, teary, hugging, sloppy kissing sorry. Throw some unicorns in there too.
My **shouts and scream obnoxiously so the laptop can hear** laptop deleted the proposal and, this sounds ridiculous but I was really shaken; I was really proud of it and I thought I couldn't write as good as that. It took me a while to even open it again. But slowly I did and I started to write again. Slowly it came along, and the proposal came to a place where I liked it, but I still offer my old one, which I will never be able to retrieve.
I really hope you enjoy this, and I also hope that you don't hate me for leaving you so long without anything.
I love you all!
Enjoy, I REALLY wanna know what you think of this and give me some feedback or improvements on any of the chapters.