Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want


I thought nothing, because there was so much swirling round I couldn’t pick one thing to concentrate on.

All I could focus on was Frank’s eyes. His beautiful, glowing, moist orbs of yellow green light that were so familiar, but held such beautiful unknown thoughts.

Tears spilled over onto my cheeks, and I leant my knee into the grass and took up the same position as Frank.

I intertwined our shaking fingers.

“God, you talk about me having a power over you? You’ve completely changed me. I was suicidal before I met you, I was utterly depressed, going through so much shit that I couldn’t even see myself living much longer. Now I actually have a purpose to live. Its you. You’re the person I always dreamt of but never thought I’d get. You’re the person that completes me, that makes me unbelievably grateful that I was smart enough to hang on because if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have met you, I wouldn’t have had the chance to be with you and have the honour of being part of your life. I wake up everyday and wonder what the hell I did before you. I was… I was messed up, man. I still am, just a little. I’m only fucked up now because of scars if what I was. You changed me. That’s some super power. And you make me laugh. No-one has been able to do that in so long. You enable me to laugh. My life- God, my life without you…Not worth living. Not even worth considering.
I didn’t know a person could be as amazing and wonderful and fill me with such joy, but you do. How you do it, I don’t know, I think its just…you. But somehow, you make my heart skip a beat whenever I see you, whenever your name is mentioned, whenever you say my name. You’re just…incredible.
When you kiss me…I lose my mind! I go all warm and gooey and I just dissolve next to you. You take my body over and you just fill me with love that I’ve never felt before. I actually feel wanted, I feel like I belong when I’m with you.
I think I’m still in shock. You even considering marrying me means more to me than anything in the whole world. It’s the biggest dose of flattery I’ve ever been given, and it coming from you makes it a thousand percent more so.
I couldn’t have put it better about your heart. I listen to yours too. And every beat, I smile and love you a little bit more. And every time, I think, ‘come on, there’s no way I could love him even more’, but then you’ll say something, or look at me, or just do something for me, or I even hear your heart, or feel your breath, and there it is. This is coming from the guy who didn’t love anyone, anything six months ago. Who hated the world. I still hate the world, I do. More than anything though, I hated my world; Where I lived, what I saw, who was surrounding me. But none of that matters because you’re here. You are my world now. You’re the thing I was missing to survive. You’ve become my heart and my soul. Every beat I hear your heart sing I like to think I’m part of it, and it makes me so fucking happy to think that. I never thought I’d say I’m happy, but I am. I actually am. I’ve never been happy before. The first day I saw you, you interested me and I wanted to know you. Now I do…There’s no words to say it. You make me happy. I love you.
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Too hollywood?
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