Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Naming It

I burst into even more tears, as did Frank. He was smiling through his tears, laughing.

“Yes?” Frank laughed.

“Yes” I repeated.

Frank laughed in response, his head bowing. I cried tears of relief and joy.

We went to kiss each other at the same time, and it was the most perfect kiss anyone had every shared. Our lips moved together in perfect harmony, like they knew each other. Fireworks and sparks shot off in my head and in my heart- my heart. It exploded.

My hand stroked Frank’s soft face, the face I loved. His hands wrapped around my neck and stroked it.
It felt like we were in a bubble of just us, exploding love and emotion the only things able to sink in.

Frank kissed a tear drop from my cheek, and I loved him even more.

“We’re getting married” Frank whispered, his forehead on mind, his hands cradling my face.

“We’re getting married!” I chimed.

Frank kissed me again, and he pulled me down onto the grass. My head laid on his chest and I listened to his beautiful heart again, it meaning more now than ever before.

“So, who’s wearing the dress?” Frank asked, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

“Oh, because that’s obviously how it works” I laughed.

“Didn’t you know?”

“Must have slipped through”

“I wanna make a ‘that’s what she or he said’ joke but I think it would ruin the moment” Frank said.

“I heard you say it in my mind as soon as I said it so there’s no need” I reassured him, looking up and smiling.

“I love how you know me so well” Frank whispered.

I kissed his perfect lips, and he pulled me up closer to him, so we were face to face. I laid on top of him, kissing him with all the warmth and passion he gave me.

Frank’s hand glided up my sides and under my shirt. They drifted up and down the sides of my ribs, and I stroked his collarbone, just near the crook of his neck. He moaned happily. It wasn’t horny kissing, it was just like exchanging emotion.

I pulled myself from Frank’s lips and he laid his head directly over my heart. He sighed happily.

“You make me so happy” Frank whispered, snuggling into me. His eyes closed.

“You keep me alive”

Frank pulled himself up and kissed my lips gently. “I love you. A lot”

“Love you more”

“That’s impossible”

“How about you love me as much as I love you?” I settled.

“Still impossible”


“Fine. I love you like you love me”

“I’m very loved then” I said, and I was even happier.

“More than you could ever know” Frank smiled, and kissed me again. He went back down to my heart.

“Wait, so, when we get married, who’s name are we both gonna have?” He asked.

Did the…powers that be (who decides stuff like the inheritance of names?) not consider the gay couple name inheritance thing? It’s a genuine dilemma. What do we do? Its unfair to overlook us.

“Oh. Can I have Iero? Its so cool” I said.

Come on, it’s the coolest name ever.

“OK. But I want Way too. Its amazing! Pleeeeease?” Frank pouted.

“Fine. So you’re gonna be Frank Iero Way and I’m Gerard Way Iero?” I asked.

“Yeah. Dude, that’s so cool!” Frank enthused.

“But what do we call ourselves?”

“Hmm. I know! Lets call ourselves Wiero!” Frank buzzed. I burst out laughing and he looked at me with those big naïve eyes again.

“Wiero? Really?” I laughed.

“Yeah! It fits both! I mean, I know its mainly mine but Iay is really hard to say, and if we can’t even say our own last name, people are gonna chain us up” Frank said, like it was so serious.
♠ ♠ ♠
Totally changing my name to Wiero ;3