Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Life Gazing

“Would you actually change your name to Wiero?” I frowned.

“Yeah! I could change Iero to my middle name and you make Way yours! Gerard and Frank Wiero. Love it” Frank said, the words shooting out of his mouth like they always did when he was excited.

“What if we just make it Gerard and Frank Iero-Way? Iero is the first alphabetically and that way we both get to keep our names, and we’d share the same name.”

Frank considered this. I could practically see the light bulb flash on above his head.

“Oh yeah. Why didn’t I think of that?” Frank smiled, snuggling closer to me.

“You’re just tired, baby” I comforted.

“Thanks for making me feel smarter than I really am” He whispered.

“You are smart” I said, kissing his head.

“Not as much as you”

“Yeah right” I rolled my eyes into the darkness.

“Look at the stars” Frank said, totally off subject.

The sky was just changing from milky orange to inky blue, and the stars were shining. I’d never seen that happen before. I didn’t know it was possible.

Tonight I was constantly being surprised.

“Its beautiful” I said, taking it all in.

“Yeah, it is. Its amazing. This is our night. It belongs to us. And we just happened to pick the most gorgeous night ever” Frank was totally enchanted by the stars and the colours. His eyes were swirling with the pigments, and he stared at them in awe and wonderment.

“What does that say about us?”

“That this is what our life is gonna be like. Beautiful sights and stars” Frank cooed.

“That’s so sweet. And true” I smiled. I laid my head on top of Frank’s and breathed in his delicious scent.

“I know. I can’t wait” Frank grinned, looking up at me.

“Me too” I smiled down to him.
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So hollywood but we all need it sometimes, right? XO