Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

"Tell Me I'm A Bad Man, Treat Me Like A Slave"

When I got home from school, He was still on my mind. I hadn't stopped thinking of his tiny body and beautiful eyes all day. They were there when I was pretending to concentrate, when I was drawing, fuck, even when I was having lunch. Even though he'd been on my mind, his face was fading from my memory. I couldn't remember the exact shade of his skin, or which side of his lip was pierced.
Mikey interrupted my thoughts with a wave of his thin hand in front of my face.
"Fuck, man, you've been out of it for ever" Mikey sighed, sitting back down at the kitchen table. Eating, again. He never gained weight, despite eating all the fucking time.
Lucky bastard.
"Oh, er, yeah. Sorry, man. Were you trying to tell me something?" I asked, wanting to dive back into my thoughts.
"Yeah, but I wanna know what you're thinking about" Mikey grinned, his eyebrows raising in suggestion and interest.
"Oh, uh it's nothing" I shrugged off, hoping desperatly he'd let it go, but knowing he wouldn't.
"No its not. I wanna know! C'mon, what are bezzie bro's for, eh?" Mikey smirked.
"Well, its not even a thing, I just- I saw this guy today, and- Do you really wanna know?" I asked,screwing my eyes up. We'd never discussed me being gay, it wasn't an issue. Talking about guys I liked and girls he liked was normal, it wasn't anything new, but still, it was awkward, like it would be between any brothers.
"Yeah. I can deal with the gay stuff"
I laughed. "OK. I saw this guy, from like, across me waiting for the doors to open at school. He was- he's gorgeous. We just sorta stared at each other. I didn't get a chance to talk to him. He seemed interested. Well, maybe. He smiled at me, and I smiled back, you know? I don't know, it was weird" I sighed, glad to tell someone.
"Ooh, sounds like you've got yourself a flirter!" Mikey nudged me in the arm, making me giggle.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked, getting over the giggles.
"Oh my god, Gee!" Mikey rolled his eyes at me, ashamed of my lack of knowledge, even though Mikey wasn't exactly experienced. "A flirter. Its kinda self-explanitory. They like to flirt, alot, and thats how they capture you. You've got yourself a rare breed there, bro. I'd get him while you can! Whats he like?" Mikey explained.
I was so glad Mikey wasn't freaked out with the gay thing. He was taking an interest in me, and he wasn't being phony about it. He was being a man, and I was proud of him.
"I don't know, I can't really remember, all I remember is he has really beautiful eyes, they're like greeny but brown and yellow. His hairs black, and his lips pierced. Oh, and he was really short. It was cute. I can't really remember him exactly, but I just know that he was gorgeous" I spilled, feeling guilty for not listening to Mikey yesterday.
"Nice. Get a look at his package?" Mikey smiled.
"Mikey!" I shouted, hitting his arm. "Dirty little fuck" I laughed.
"That doesn't answer my question" He murmmured, laughing evily.
"Fuck off" I smiled.
"So it was big then" Mikey concluded, no question in his tone. I blushed, and I tried to hide my face.
"So whats happening with you?" I asked, genuinley interested.
"Oh, well, you know that fight I told you about?" Mikey chirped, obviously glad I'd finally asked him.
"Well, the guy came back and tried to shake my hand, so I was like 'yeah, ok' so I went to shake it and he punched me. It was rad. I was on the floor, and he walked away, saying 'we're finished! I don't want no more fucking trouble!'" Mikey rushed, putting on a deep voice for the bully.
"You got punched? How come you don't have a black eye?!" I asked. Mikey may be scrawny, but he sure as hell ain't brittle.
Mikey just shrugged, like it was no big deal. "Dunno. I'm a badass. I think my skin's just like, ah, fuck it, not again. I'm glad its over though" He smiled.
"How did you even get into a fight?" I asked.
"I don't really know. Oh, I was talking to Hannah, just you know, talking, she's super nice and shit. Tom thought I was flirting with her and he came up to me and said I needed to back away from her. I was like, what are we in a bad rom-com now, which I still think's an amazing comeback, so he punched me. Then he tried again, failed, then tried again, and succeeded. Buts its over now" Mikey said, like he was unimpressed with the whole thing.
"Fuck" I sighed.
"Yeah. Totally awesome, right?"
We sat in silence for a few minutes, until Mikey said "Hey, I think you should go for it with that dude. He seems cool"
"Really? I don't even know if he's gay" I fretted.
"Dude, he was smiling and giving you the eye. Of course he's gay. If he wasn't, he'd just have smiled and ignored you. Do it, man"
"How?" I asked, sceptically. "I dont even know his name, I dont even know if he's in my year"
"Ah. Well, just see if he's there tomorrow, do the same. I bet he'll be there, he'll wanna eyefuck you again"
"Thanks for that, Mikey" I rolled my eyes and headed for the stairs, still thinking about Mikey's advice.
"Oh, and by they way, Mike"
Mikes turned around, his face blank.
"His package was huge" I smiled and ran upstairs, feeling like a naughty schoolgirl. I heard a 'You horny bastard!' from downstairs, and giggled.
Mikey knew me too well.
♠ ♠ ♠
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