Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

New York Wake-Ups

My eyes opened to a yellow light flashing in them.

“W-What?” I struggled, still half asleep.

“Ged up” The yellow surge moved around my face. The voice was deep and broke the crisp morning air.

I opened my eyes fully, to see a large man with a torch in his hand. He was wide and bald, with pink skin. He had rough stubble on his face and his eyes were tired but not hateful. His clothes were blue and had a little gold badge. It was pretty. His voice was more New York than the whole of the actual state.

“What?” I said, still unsure.

“You heard me, ged up!” He repeated.

Then my brain woke up.

We’d slept in the park. Frank was still laid on me, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

The guy with the torch was the park ranger.

And he was pissed.

“Frank!” I nudged him furiously.

“Shut up” He muttered back.

“Frank!” I said again, louder.

“What?” He asked, still totally asleep.

“Get up!” I said, looking at his sleeping form and hating that I’d awoken it so abruptly.

“Fine. But I better be getting a blow job outta this” Frank said, unwrapping himself from me and standing up.

“’Ey!” The ranger warned.

“Who invited the Fonse along?“ Frank said, his eyes still shut. I had to contain a massive laugh.

He leant down to kiss me, his face touching my face. His breath was horrible but I didn’t care.

“Ey!” The ranger repeated.

“Go bang a duke box” Frank said, waving his hand at the ranger. I couldn’t help it this time, I laughed loudly, but covered my mouth. Frank looked over to me and smiled devilishly.

“I’m the park ranger, and you need to be outta here, now!” He said.

“Whatever, we’re going, Fonsarella. Keep your leather jacket on” Frank moaned, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

“Yeah, you betta be! I catch you two sleepin’ ‘ere again I’ll notify the police!” He shouted as we were walking away.

“Monday, Monday Happy Days…” Frank sang.

I burst out laughing, uncontrollable fits of giggles. How could someone be so funny so early?

“You like that?” Frank asked, giggling a little.

I nodded and put my arm around Frank’s waist, mainly so I was able to continue standing up.

“Lets get you home” Frank said.

“O…K” I muttered, falling asleep. I remained half comatose all the walk home. I heard a few tut’s and Frank respond with a ‘He’s not drunk asshole!’, for which raised a sleepy smile out of me.

He took me through the streets, and to a house I was unsure of.

He opened the door and the smell of fresh laundry wafted through my senses.

I tried to stay conscious enough to help Frank walk me upstairs. He opened a door and led me through, and threw me on the bed with a sigh. He took my shoes off and I crawled into the bed. Frank did too, and he moulded himself behind me.

“Night baby” He whispered.

“Night” I said back. My eyes closed, and I was warm and happy and excited.
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Oh how i'd love to sleep in the park with someone :') :'(
Enjoying so far??