Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Fight Inflicted Pain

For the second time that day, I woke up to shouting.

“Where have you been?” Frank’s mom asked.

“What?” He asked, although from his tone he clearly knew what she was talking about.

“Don’t try and deny it Frank, I saw you come in three hours ago”

“I slept at the park, and I forgot to tell you. I was fine though. I woke up and headed home” Frank explained.

“You fell asleep in the park?!” She furiously repeated.

“Yeah. Its not a big deal, I had my cell with me. You obviously weren’t that panicked because you haven’t freaked out. I’ve been out all night, I don’t come back, and you don’t care to phone me to see where I am?” Frank said.

“Fuck off, Frank, you know that’s not true. I just expected to slept at your friends. And that’s another thing. Who were you with last night?” She asked. Her voice was intruding.

“No-one” He said, and it kinda hurt. I knew he didn’t mean it though.

“Don’t lie to me!” She shouted.

“Why do you care?! Do you want me to say, it was a girl?!” Frank shouted back, equally as powerful.

“You know what, Frank, I would! For once, I’d like to see you with a girl!”

I was so angry I could scream at her.

Why was she pushing this so hard, making Frank feel even worse than he already did? He didn’t chose to be gay, and he certainly didn’t deserve to be ridiculed and punished for it.

“Well, don’t bet on it! I’m gay mom! There’s nothing you can do to change that! Even taking Gerard away won’t change it!” Frank screamed. He was so angry. I hated it that I was part of their fight.

“But at least it stopped you ‘being’ with him! Its wrong Frank! I don’t want you to burn in hell, don’t you understand that? I’m doing all this for you!” She said, her voice softening. She stroked Frank’s face and it made me madder.

“Well, I’m gonna burn pretty hard cos I’m still seeing him. I always have been, we never stopped” Frank revealed. His voice was straight and cold.

She stepped back in shock, like she’d been burnt.

“What?” She said, her voice quivering.
“I was out with him all night. Like I always am. Whenever I go out I’m with him, doing all the forbidden gay stuff like touching and oo, kissing and actually loving each other” Frank spat.

“N-No. No…” She shook.

I hated him fighting with his mom over me. It was so unfair. I wasn’t asking for her to like me, just accept that me and Frank went out.

Well, more than went out. We were-engaged. Engaged! Oh my god! That’s so weird to think!
Its strange to think that I’m someone’s fiancée. That someone is gonna marry me, and I’m gonna marry them. I’m gonna actually be married. I’m gonna be someone’s husband. How fucking freaky is that? I’m gonna have a husband! It’s so weird but so amazing and lovely at the same time.

“Yes, mom!” He shouted. He calmed himself down, and loosened his body. “I proposed. Last night, to Gerard. He said yes.” He told her softly.

I gasped, and they both looked up at me. Frank looked shocked, them smiled at me slightly.

“You! You did this to him!” Frank’s mom screamed. I flew back, and my back thudded violently the against the wall.
♠ ♠ ♠
I want someone to fight for me like that!! :(

What do y'all think?