Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want


The next day I had to have an X-Ray. JD came in and took me to the room. Frank came with me, and looked over me worried.

“OK, so as I thought, you’ve fractured your coccyx. Now it will heal, but it will take time. I advise you try and sit down less, you need to stand up during intervals of sitting and walk around. You also need to up the levels of fibre in your diet. Take some Ibroprofen if the pain increases, and apply ice right on your coccyx. That may be hard to do on your own, so you could get your boyfriend to do that. I also insist on you buying a ‘doughnut’ cushion. They are like normal cushions, but have a hole in the centre so your coccyx is protected. You’ll have to keep it easy, but don’t stay bed-ridden 24/7, that’ll only make it worse” JD advised.

I nodded, and Frank asked where we could get the cushion from. I saw him walk back from JD counting the coins in his pocket.

“You OK?” Frank asked.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m OK. I just- Wanna get outta here” I sighed, smiling a little.

“And you will, soon, baby. Just be patient, if we don’t get you sorted you’ll get worse” Frank worried.

“I’m not gonna run, I promise”


I was wheeled back to the ward, where I had to spend the whole day. Frank was with me, so I was entertained.

“Hey, Nurse, I was wondering if maybe I should take the burden of Gerard’s bed bath on today” Frank sighed, a devilish smile on his pink lips when the nurse came around.

We were laid out on the bed, side by side, our legs stretched out. I had a pillow behind my back and some ice. I was in pain, but not so much that I couldn’t handle it. Frank helped. He was like an oozing body of health. Just his presence made me better, I was sure of it.

I giggled as much as my body would let me, and the Nurse looked at us like we were dirt.

“Mr. Way won’t be needing a bed bath” She growled.

“Who said anything about needing one?” Frank scoffed sarcastically. “I think I may do it anyway, you know? Cleanliness is imperative”

“I’m afraid I can’t allow you to do that” She said, checking all the stuff near my bed was OK.

“Why? it's not like I haven’t seen him naked before” Frank frowned. I knew he was doing it just to piss her off and freak her out. I knew how mad I would be if it was me, but still I laughed. She was a moody bitch, anyway.

“it's not about that” She responded.

“Whatever, dude. Looks like you’re gonna have to wait till we get home, Gee,” Frank said, turning to me, mock seriously. “it's OK though, I can be more thorough at home” He winked. My body turned to jelly and I lost all control of my thoughts.
The nurse headed out the door.

“Bye!” Frank shouted after her, waving enthusiastically.

“You’re such an asshole” I rolled my eyes at him one she’d left the room.

“What?! Why?!”

“Oh come on! You were tormenting her! She was only checking on me!” I said, unable to be mad at him.

“I was just having my fun. I like challenging people. I obviously made her jealous with the bed bath thing though. She wanted you all to herself” He grinned, his hand stroking my open shirt.


“But you’re mine, baby. All mine. Ain’t no-one gonna give you any kinda bath while I’m here” Frank smiled. His hand ventured underneath my shirt.

“I wouldn’t want anyone else but you. I don’t, never will do, never have done” I smiled, my eyes closed.

“Me too, Mr. Iero. No wait, that sounds weird, like I’m saying my own name. Ew. Mr. Iero Way it is” Frank laughed, kissing my lips.

“Dude, they’re Nurses everywhere” I smile, in between kisses.


“So, we can’t have a make out sesh cos, well, look what it always leads to- Moaning, dry humping and fucking licking. And while doing that in a hospital weirdly turns me on, we’ll get in loads of trouble” I considered.

“I guess you’re right. You just wait till we get home though…” Frank smirked, close to my face.

“I said we couldn’t have a make out session, not that we couldn’t make out” I kissed him as forcefully as I could, and it took him by surprise.

“What’s the difference?” Frank smiled, his eyes closed.

“A session means… like… I dunno, there is a difference though, it's just…Unlabellable”


“It’s a word!” I defended myself, knowing I was wrong.

Frank laughed, “Right, right”

He kissed me and I joined in, loving how he was so unashamed of us.

That night, Frank did the same as he had yesterday, hid under the bed.

“So, what about kids?” Frank asked, smiling in the moonlight opposite me.

“I, er, I like them, but I don’t know about having them. So much can go wrong” I sighed, feeling self-conscious about my insecurities.

“I’d love kids” Frank said, and that’s all he had to say.

A vision of us running around after a little baby in a warm house sprung to my mind, Frank putting him or her to bed, reading them a bedtime story, Frank kissing them when he or she had fallen.

It was a beautiful image and I realised that I was more than willing to have a child, as long as it was with Frank.

“Yeah, me too” I grinned.

“Really?” Frank whispered.

“Yeah. You’d be an awesome dad” I said, stroking his cheek.

“Thanks. That means a lot. I know you’d be the best dad ever” Frank whispered in my ear.

“That’s so sweet. I love you” I beamed, my eyes moist.

“Love you more”

My fiancée kissed me and stroked my face.

“You need to sleep, babe, get your rest”

“Just ‘cos you’re tired” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Noo, I actually listened to JD!” Frank smiled, and I loved how he called Dr. Dorian JD like I did.

“Fine. Night, baby” I grinned, lowering myself to rest on my head on his chest.

“Night” Frank said, kissing my head.

“Love you”

“Love you”

I leaned up and kissed him one last time. “You sure you don’t mind me sleeping on you like this? I can sleep on my side, I don’t mind, I want you to be comfortable”

“I love when you sleep on me like this. It makes me happy. You make me feel like I’m your protector” Frank smiled.

“You are my protector”

“And I intend to be. Till death us do part” He smirked, smiling down at me.

“So weird”

“Love you too. Night baby. Sweet dreams”

“My dreams are always sweet when I sleep with you” I told him, cringing a little at my corniness.

“That’s so sweet. That makes me really happy. And me too. Mainly ‘cos you’re in ‘em”

I could feel a blush rise in Frank, his heartbeat quicken, and I was wooed all over again.

“What would I do without you?”

“Nothing. Because I couldn’t live without you”

I had to kiss him just once more. Frank cradled my face in his hands and warmed me up.

“I love you”

“I love you”
♠ ♠ ♠
Urgh, this is so fucking soppy. I'm kinda doubting this. Is it even any good?

I'm gonna upload about 2 more, maybe 3.

I love you xo