Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Dressed Up

"Well, someone's dressed up" Mikey teased from the bottom of the stairs, staring up at me.
I wouldn't exactly call it dressed up. I wasn't in a suit, but I'd made more of an effort for school than I usually did. Ever. I was wearing my Chemical Brothers shirt, my skinniest black jeans and red Converse. Nothing really special. But I had to admit that I looked OK.
"Hmm, I wonder why?" Mikey asked, putting a finger to his chin, pretending to wonder.
"Yeah, me too" I said back. We shouted a bye to mom, and she shouted 'love you' from the kitchen.
Sat I sat on the bus, I really wished Mikey was here to tell me what to do. He probably wouldn't be of any help, and if he actually was here, I know I'd wish he wasn't. But still, it would be nice to have someone to fall back on.
I stood in the exact same place as yesterday when I got to school. Butterflies were whirling in my stomach, making me feel nauseous.
I waited for Him, scanning the crowd for a short body in a black hoodie.
The doors opened, and he didnt show up. My heart sank. I was so dissapointed in myself. I'd let myself think someone would be interested in me, me. I'd got my hopes up, I'd tried to be optimistic, and I'd failed miserably.
I just wanted this day to be over more than anything. I wanted to crawl back into bed and drink myself into a coma.
I seemed ridiculously over dramatic, but I'd started to imagine myself being happy, not being this depressed, fucked up little shit. I'd actually let myself believe I could escape.
I can't even be depressed properly.

The rest of day was shit as ever. I went home, did my homework with no particular efffort, except art. I threw all my anger into my piece and it turned out quite good. Mikey and mom glanced at me from across the table when we had dinner, and I overheard them whispering about me in the kitchen. I was exhausted by the end of the night, and fell asleep straight away.
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ARGH! thanks for your comments petrifiderose7 and Silly Little Kid! i love you both! Heres your reward for being awesome! keep commenting, keep reading, keep (hopefully) loving! I write all of it, then update chapters i wrote before, so i'm way ahead right now ;) i know you'll like it. xx