Status: Hope you like it! Comments feed my creativeness!

You Can Run Away With Me Anytime You Want

Deep Blue and Red

He smiled at me again, his white teeth showing. I grinned to him, yanking on the thread of my black sweater. He bit his lip, and he looked like he wanted to say something. I wanted to hear his voice so badly, but I could wait, because I knew it would be amazing to finally have a conversation with him.
Over the last week, i'd imagined what his personality was like. If he was smart (I knew he was), if he liked comics, if he was funny. He seemed funny, from the way he giggled all the time. I knew I was being stupid and girly and totally hormonal, but I kinda liked it.

The next day, I stood in my place, waiting for him to show up. He wasn't always on time, and I liked that.
I waited and waited, and he didn't show. I hoped that maybe he was waiting inside for me, but I knew it was irrational. I still hoped though.
When the doors opened, I gave up the search. Was this it? Was I just meant to have a few casual flirts with a guy then be forgotten about? Is that all I got, all I deserved?
I sighed and went to join the back of the line that was rapidly moving into school.
"This is fucking bullshit" I heard the body next to me murmur. I turned to look at them, and it was him. His hoodie was a deep blue this time, and his hair had a red streak in the fringe. I looked at him, and he stared back. I smiled, half from embarrassment for staring at him, half from wanting to see him smile back.
He did just as I wanted him to, and gave me a crooked smile that made my insides explode. I racked my brain trying to find anything, anything to say to him.
"I looked for you today and you weren't there" He said, turning to me to smile again.
"I was. I was looking for you and you didn't show" I smiled back, hoping I didn't sound to stalkery.
"Weird. Hey, at least we're here now, and we're actually talking. And we're not yards apart. This shits serious" He raised his eyebrows, flirting wildly.
Oh my god, he smelt amazing. Divine. Theres no way to describe it. I'd never smelt something as sweet and dark as him. It was intoxicating.
He was so warm as well. So warm. I was no longer cold, and I was just stood next to him. I moved a little closer, hoping he didn't notice.
"Wow, moving in on me already. Thought I wouldn't notice? Come closer if you want" He grinned. He was being so bad! I was getting seriously turned on.
"I might take you up on that" I smirked, moving closer. He rested his head on my shoulder, and warmth flooded my veins.
"Mmm, you're warm" He moaned, his eyes shut. I'd usually be scared shitless by this incredibly fast and public show of affection, but I didn't care, I liked it. Alot.
"So are you" I replied.
We all flooded into prison, and his head fell off my shoulder. I was left cold, but I was warmed again by Him compensating for his absence by shuffling closer to me.
We walked down the corridor together, one of his hands resting on my hip. I swear, I was gonna get hard.
"I dont even know you're name" I grinned, turning to look at him.
"Frank" He stated. I'd never met someone called Frank before. It was quite an old name, really, but I found it interesting. It had a story behind it, and I wanted to know the story more than anything.
"Gerard" I smiled. He looked into my eyes, deep and long.
"Wheres your home room?" Frank asked.
"D-Oh, um, right here" I said, suprised. I didn't know we'd walked so far. It felt like seconds.
"Oh. 'thought we'd have a little more time" Frank said, screwing his lips up. It was really cute, and I just wanted to jump him, there and then.
"Yeah. Me too. This was fun. Maybe tomorrow we'll get to actually talk again" I smiled, a slight question in my voice.
"For sure. I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Frank asked, his eyes shadowed with doubt.
"Yeah. Bye" I said, giving him a little wave. He waved back, and turned his back to me. I watched him go. He turned back to look at me one more time, then dissappeared.
I wanted to shout and scream, but I knew i'd get beaten up, so instead I chose to smile like a lunatic. Well, I didn't choose to, I couldn't help it.
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OK, so i just uploaded the previous chapter and by the time i looked back, i already had one reader! Love for you! xx