Expecto Patronum


I never called him dad. No one ever told me to. He never told me to. "Dumble!" I used to laugh and run to him. I was only nine years old then. I was alarmingly small for my age but had a full thick head of long vibrant red hair. I lived in the castle with my father and everyone else. It was 1989 and the start of a new year at Hogwarts. I sat next to my father at the front of the hall, first years were able to follow Professor Mcgonagall for sorting.

I always loved this Dumble used to tell me. I loved seeing all the new children and making friends with them. Two boys caught my eye that night. One looked exactly like the other and had flaming orange hair. One caught my eye and smiled at me. Little did I know they were going to be everything to me. My two best friends.

I was sitting in fathers office, where I was a lot. I heard the door open and I hurried up the stairs, hiding from whom ever was coming though that door. Professor Mcgonagall walked in with the two boys. They had looks on their faces that screamed excitement mixed with fright. Dumble walked in and talked to them. Pranksters? They looked like they would be. I found it excited. I wanted in. I crept slowly down the stairs and peaked though the railing. Dumble saw me ans smiled. "Come down dreams.", he told me.

My face turned the color of my hair and made my way to his side. He introduced me. He told me their names were Fred and George Weasley, who was who I couldn't tell you. Dumble told them that I would be starting classes with them this year and that I was in Gryffindor. I was exceptionally smart for my age, and powerful, but no one was surprised by this when they knew who my father was, that I had been learning since the beginning. So that's how it started.

The three of us were never apart that year. I even went and spent Christmas with them. "Oh my, she's so adorable!", I remember Molly gushing as we got off the train. She had pulled me into a hug and has been a mother to me ever since. I miss this. I miss them.

The next year my mother sent for me. I was to live with her and only return home to Dumble in the summer. It killed me. when I was with mother I went to muggle school. In the summer I learned from my father and a few other teachers at Hogwarts. I hardly ever got to see the Weasley's. I was coming undone at the seams.

"Get up Dreams! We're leaving in a half hour so get moving.", mother yelled up the stairs. After five years it was a fight to get up. I hated muggle school and everyone in it. I was always being made fun of for the color of my hair or my height. Just because my mother was a muggle she thought I should have both worlds. She ripped me from the only one I wanted. I have nothing against muggles, but this just wasn't how I wanted to live. It wasn't my life to live.

I was fourteen now, almost 15. I was in my freshmen year of muggle school and would be learning sixth year magic this summer. Luckily, this was the last day of my freshmen year. Next week I would be going home. I went through the motions of the day and went straight to my room when I got home. Soon after mother came through my door. I stood up. I was still short, five foot exactly. My hair was still its striking red and long (mother begged me everyday to dye it a "normal" color). "We need to talk", she told me, sitting on my bed. I looked at her, but didn't say anything.

"I don't want you going back with your father this summer.", she told me. Fire filled my veins, I could feel my heart start to pound. Magic sparked in my finger tips. "Honey, just calm down...", she tried to tell me. "Calm down?", I hissed through clenched teeth, "calm down?!". I could hear my step father stop by the door and look in. Oh how I hated that man. Hated how mean he was; how rude he was to only me. How his sons treated me like a slave.

"I'm going back home!" I screamed. Mother shook her head no. "Watch me", I hissed. I snapped my fingers and all my things were packed and neatly stacked on the floor. Even though I'm the head masters daughter I wasn't any different from someone else under the law, I wasn't to use magic outside of school for three more years or so, but in that moment I didn't care.

"Dreams, walk out that door and you are never a loud here again. You're no longer my daughter." she whispered, clenching my small upper arm in her hand, hurting me. "Good", I hissed in her ear and with my things I walked out. Before long I and my things were on a plane to London. I owled to warn Dumble of my early arrival. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Fred! Georgey!" I remember yelling, running across the Great Hall at the start of our second year. We met with a hug. At the feast that night we caught up about how our summers went after I had left the Burrow. The next day we ran around the castle all day playing pranks and getting away just in time so we didn't get caught. George had went to the restroom and left me and Fred sitting on a hill over looking the Black lake. Nothing was said. Fred leaned over and kissed my cheek. My middle filled with butterflies.

I woke up when we hit an air pocket. Dreaming about when I was a kid was horribly bitter sweet for me. I loved reliving those memories, but it made me miss them even more than I had before if that's even possible.

Dumble had wrote back and my owl was waiting for me when I got off the plane.

He was sending me to live with the Weasley's for the time being. He was horribly sorry he couldn't see me, but he was elsewhere. My heart pounded with excitement. I was going home to Fred and George.
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first one :3
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