Status: Everlastingly Active

Jar of Hearts

Do you ever want to blow off some steam or needed advice? Have you ever been hurt, loved, hated or made mistakes that you regret? Please do not report this for not being an actual story until you hear me out. This was inspired by someone on here and i wanted to do it too. So the idea is NOT mine. I want to help you guys tell your side of the story, or share mistakes that you regret and don't want others to do the same. Please write a title for your story. Absolutely no one will get turned down. I promise to read everyone's story, advice, mistakes everything. Just message me and I’ll post it. I really hope you all give this a chance. please don't let your feelings get the best of you.
Sincerely yours,
P.S. there may be some posts in the future that may be "descriptive" so watch out!