Rudy Can't Fail

Dinner and a show

The restaurant we're in was right in the middle of town. Not that there's much else round here. Just a Convenience/ hardware store, a salon, a bar…like one of everything. Growing up, I had to amuse myself by acting the fool or playing the drums or getting stoned. There was fuck all else to do.

We were sat at a table near the window, and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I mean, she looked fucking hot, man. Every now and then she would lick her lips and smile at me as if she knew what I was thinking.

"Most random place you've had sex?" We're playing the 'Questions Game' and it was kinda strange yet funny. Nothing phased us about eachtother. It was all...comfortable.

"Outside a park in full view of traffic or on my front door step, back home. Have you, Billie or Mike ever actually had sex with eachother or what?"

"We gave one another head a while back and me and Bill hooked up a few times. Ever had sex with more than one person at a time?"

"No, but I enjoy watching people go at it. Hence the porn collection." My eyes light up at this revelation. "Have you?"

I get lost in the thoughts of what kind of other stuff she has hidden away and I lose track for a second. "Have I what?"

"Had sex with more than one person at a time?"

"Yeah. I didn’t like it though, cos I didn’t get all the attention." I sigh.

"Well there's a surprise. Sometimes I think Frankito has more maturity in his pinky, then you do altogether."

I stick my tongue out at her.

"My point exactly." She rolls her eyes and props head up with her hand.

"So how comes you're wearing my shirt? Not that I mind; you actually look better in it than I do."

"Well that’s not hard is it? And I'm wearing your underwear too. I just like wearing men's clothes sometimes. They're comfortable." She shrugs and takes a sip of water before placing her glass back down and looking me over quickly. "So why did your marriages break down?"

I sit up right, slightly bemused at the sudden change in the conversation. "Where did that come from?"

"S'alright. You don’t have to answer. You don’t talk about Claudia or Lisea much and I'm nosey."

"Lisea and I had been together for a while and her Photography was taking off and the band was getting more successful, so I was away from them a lot. It got to the point where we wanted different things; though we still wanted eachother, but something had to give…in the end, that something was 'us'."

"Wow, tough break…"

"Yeah, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. She gave me Ramona, and we were always friends before anything else. We still are."

"And Claudia?"

I sigh and have a taste of my own water, before leaning forward to rest my elbows on the table. "After Nimrod, the band had a break and Claude and I met. We started working again and I guess she just couldn’t take it. Frankito arrived and she wanted a proper family, you know? But then band started to fuck up and my head wasn’t in a good place cos of all that. I tried to make our relationship work and I couldn’t. so we ended it. Claude wanted us to still live together for Frankito and I wanted to do it because Ramona was so far; I didn’t want to be away from another one of my babies. But looking back, whether we lived together or not wouldn’t have made a difference," I watch her listen intently and nod with understanding, "as I have to spend so much time away, anyway. So I moved out. And I needed my space; living with the ex, kinda kills my mojo." I chuckle. There it was; life according to Tre Cool.

"Well aren’t you just a regular 'latter-day Saint'?" Smiling at me, she takes my hand and strokes it with her thumb.
"Yup. I'm an onion."

"What?" She snorts, "Why? Cos you smell and you can make people cry?"

"No. It's because I have layers; I'm a complex character, I'll have you know."

"You're a bloody fool, is what you are!" She scoffs dropping my hand, like a hot potato.

"Spare me the compliments, M'lady. So…you don’t want the whole marriage and kids thing?" I'm curious, as we'd never discussed it. Actually it had never come up, till now.

"Nah, I don’t see the point in a piece of paper proving you love someone. It feels like some kind of ownership deal. And the idea of popping a kid out of a hole the size of a pea, makes my eyes water. You, Frankie and Ramona are enough." Its dismissed and I'm guessing that’s the end of it.

"Oh…" I say quietly. She's not ready for all that, fair enough. But she called Frankie and Ramona hers- well sort of. Fuck, its been a few months now and she still manages to amaze me.

"You weren't going to propose, were you?" Her tone changes; I think she's scared.

"Fuck no." She looks relieved. "I'm not doing that merry song and dance for a while, so don’t flatter yourself."

She flips me off and looks out towards the row of shops across the street from us.

"I love you." I say, and I mean it…

"Yeah, it's been established. Now let us move on." Again with the jokes.

"If your going to be like that when, I, the wonderfully masterful, talented and sexy Tre Cool professes his love for you, then I want my clothes back!" Hand on my chest for effect, as I feel a bit dramatic.

"No problem." Slowly she rises from her seat and looks round the crowded room, before licking her lips and moving to unbutton the shirt. "I'm sure the patrons in here would enjoy a show with their dinner"

She undoes the button just below her breasteses and I'm on my feet, throwing the money for the barley eaten food on the table. I grab my jacket from the back of my chair and throw it over Nat's shoulders as she just laughs at me.
"You know, I think it's past our bed time," I say, steering her towards the door.

"Why the bed, when there's a perfectly good backseat in your car?"