August Darkness


Matt snorted as Brian refused to wake up, for the forth time this morning, this time, rolling over on the lumpy hotel mattress. Papers scattered because of his sudden motion, Jimmy's organized plan of connecting the suspicious deaths was ruined.

Zacky, was less amused when the papers happened to have knocked over the coffee he hunted 20 minutes for this morning. In a town this small, it was nearly impossible for him to find anything open while the moon still hung high in the sky.

"Well, yeah... I don't know, again, why are we up this early?" Johnny asked, grabbing a piece of crumpled paper that landed by his sock.

Late on Thursday night, a young coffee shop employee Caroline Rogers, age 22 was killed in the middle of the alley between Bridge St, and Campton's costume shop. Miss. Rogers, an alternative school graduate was found the next morning by her mother and older sister, who were concerned when she did not show back up at home after her shift the night before.

Not much details have been given about the Rogers homicide besides the fact, that even with due speculations about the girl, she was indeed murdered.

Despite her young age, nothing about the murder or life of Caroline Rogers was pleasant. Born October 1, Caroline spent 2 weeks in NICU for being premature. Growing up, she suffered the loss of her father at age 4, when he disappeared, his missing person case still open. Her mother, has been arrested for DUI 4 times within the past 7 years, her older sister, Alison, was recently charged with DUI 4 months ago.

Caroline spent most of her teenage years up in Johnson's Mental Rehabilitation Center for severe depression and bi-polar disorder. She was released at age 17 when she cleaned up her life.

Caroline was found bloodless, seemingly drained of it on the evening of July 30. Two peculiar punctures by her jugular and a strong smell of blood, even though blood was absent. The second body to be found with the same exact M.O within the past 2 weeks.

No leads have been found on her case yet, if anyone has any information, contact the police.

"Well, besides having a fucked up life, she fits into our suspicious death category." Johnny said, feeling sorry for the girl and extremely creeped by the fact that they published this in the local paper.

For the rest day, after Brian finally decided to join the land of the living the boys sorted out 13 out of 18 suspicious deaths in the past three months. All of the people being connected by nothing.

There was Jessica Rutledge, Caroline Rogers, Carter Brooke, Kyle Mills, Polly Sims, Emilia Hughes, two unidentifiable bodies, Ellen James, Shaun Johnson, Jason Elliot, Kassi-Anna Marie, John Anders. All within their early 20's to late 30's, a time table where vampires are told to believe blood is the ripest and best. A thought that disgusted the group of friends.

"Okay, we have our victims. But there is still a lot more we need to find these sick fucking blood suckers." Matt said, looking at the hotel wall that now had news clipping in the correct order of every victim tacked on it.

Unknown to them, they were just down the street from the same vile creatures they sworn to hate since Jimmy's wife, Bianca was killed by one.