August Darkness


Sighing Matt thanked the women and walked off her door step and back to the car. Shaking his head he rubbed his hand on his head in frustration; they had been asking people around town if they know anything suspicious, so far nothing.

"She says she didn't know much about the victims, but she did say and I quote 'ending that poor child's life was the best thing that could be done for that child.' I don't understand; people seem to think that killing her saved her. What could be so bad about someone’s life that death is the best thing." Matt vented as he climbed in the truck with his friends throwing the fake P.I. badge on the dash board.

"Maybe it wasn't her choice that she her life was that bad, maybe it was thrust upon her." Brian reasoned, "I know if I had a choice, hunting my sister's killer would not be what I would spend my life doing.'

Nodding in agreement his team drove on to the next house.

"I'll get the next one guys." Zacky chimed in as Matt tossed the badge back to him.

The guys had dressed in their authentic P.I. gear of black suit and tie. Looking the part made it a lot easier for them to get what they wanted out of the people.

Getting out of the car Zacky fixed his coat and walked up to the small house in front of them and knocking on the door he looked around.

"Hi?" the small girl said from behind the screen door.

"Hello, my name is Michael Wray and I would like to ask you a few questions about the recent deaths, if you don't mind." Zack said flashing the badge before quickly putting it back in his pocket.

"Elizabeth, would you like to come in?" She asked opening the door welcoming the stranger in to her home.

"Do you know Caroline Rogers?" Zacky asked as they sat on the couch.

"Yeah, she had a hard life, but was getting it worked out. I went to school with her before she went to the psych center." She said offering him a glass of water.

Politely declining he got right to the point, “You know the town pretty well, correct?” seeing her nod, he continued “Does anyone seem suspicious to you? Does anyone rub you the wrong way?”

“It’s a small town; everyone is pretty much the same.” She said looking out her window, her eyes landing on the large Victorian house at the end of the road, “But the Kharmas. They are a little on the strange side. The parents are super old fashioned, the kids are weird, and you know the dark clothes screaming music, that kind of thing. Except for Koralynn; she’s bright and a people person. Always happy and involved in school things, only she always seems to know what people want and when they want it. Just a weird family in general.” She said gazing in wonder at the house.

‘What are the names of the family members?” Zacky asked pulling out his note book.

“Three kids, Scout being the oldest then Koralynn then Dalton. The parents, I’m not really sure but I think the father’s name is something like Vlad, and the mother’s name is Clara. They have the money around town.” She said looking at her watch, “Shit, I’m sorry I have to go to work. Leave your card and if I hear anything else I’ll get a hold of you.”

“Of course, thank you for your time. Have a good day, I’ll show myself out.” Zacky said getting up and walking out with a proud smile on his face.

“Guys, I got something.” Zacky rang getting in the car and telling the rest what he had just been told.

Later at the gate of the Kharmas

“Who wants to do this one?” Jimmy called looking at the vast build in front of him, wishing he could play hide-n-seek in the halls.

“We should all go; from what we’re been told this is the old money of the town, and the evidence points to leaches, but we just want to be safe.” Johnny said as his eyes widened at the man who stepped into view on the other side of the gate.

“Hello gentlemen, do you have an appointment?” Joseph asked gazing at the men.

“No, but we would like ask the Kharmas a few questions, if we may do so.” Brian asked shifting his weight nervously.

“I’m sure it won’t be a problem, but let me ask just to be sure.” Disappearing Joseph was back in a matter of seconds.

“They said it won’t be a problem, pull on up and I will show you to the study.” He said as the gate opened with a sound that made Jimmy smile with delight.

Knocking on the door the boys looked around, their eyes landing on many things that seem to make this visit all the creepier.

“Right this way,” Joseph said leading the way to the first floor study.

“Woah, you were just down…and now you’re here. Cool.” Jimmy giggled following right behind the man.

“Hello, gentlemen, how are you today?” Vladimir said turning his chair in the direction of the men before standing up to shaking hands with every man, as they introduced themselves. “Vladimir, what can I help you with?”

“We’re asking residents if they know anything about the death of Caroline Rogers; can you give us any information.” Matt spoke up hiding his nervousness.

“Of course, I will help you with whatever you need; perhaps you would like to talk to my children as well, they’re more accustomed with what goes on these days. I just smile and nod when they talk about the latest musician to go to rehab or get a new wife.” Vladimir said shaking his head with a smile, “Joseph, show these gentlemen to my children’s quarters.”

Nodding Joseph motioned for them to follow, Matt, Brian, and Zacky followed leaving Jimmy and Johnny with the parents.

Matt and Koralynn
“Hello, my name is Mi…” Matt started before looking up.

“Matt…? Hey, I’m Koralynn, but you can call be Kora. What can I do for you?” Koralynn said stepping out from behind the hood of the car she was currently restoring and wiping her hands on the red rag in the pocket of her grease covered overalls.

“Yeah, Matt; we’re, uhm, asking around town about the…uh… death of Caroline…erm…” matt stuttered not finding his words.

“Rogers?” Koralynn finished, “Yeah, I heard about that it’s really sad; she was just getting her life back together.” Smiling she leaned on the fender of the red 1972 Chevy Nova.

“Yes it is a shame. Do you know anyone suspicious? Or think anyone could be capable of doing such a thing?” Matt asked looking at the car and not the red haired girl in cut off overalls and a cut off t-shirt.

“No not really, it’s a small town. People seem to think we’re the freaky family, but I think we’re pretty normal.” She giggled shrugging as she concentrated on not hearing his thoughts.

“Well that’s kind of why we’re here; a few people we’ve talked to have said that your family may be the people to look into in this town. Old money, weird children, traditional parents; seems pretty weird to me.” Matt said not thinking.

“Excuse me?!” Koralynn burst surprising Matt, “You’re looking into us because we have money, I and my siblings are weird and my parents are old fashioned. Are you serious?”

“It’s not you, you seem pretty normal. It’s just, people seem to think that you guys are capable of doing such a thing.” Matt said backing away from an angry Koralynn.

“Yes, that’s what we do for family fun, we kill people and drain their blood, leaving them for someone else to find. Isn’t it such a great family attraction, murder?” Koralynn said slamming the hood down a little too hard, leaving small a dent where her hands had been. “I think it’s time you leave me alone, I don’t care if you stay to talk to my parent, but please get out of my garage.”

Brian and Scout

“Hello, my name is Brian and I would like to ask you a few questions.” Brian said knocking on the door of Scouts art studio.

“It’s open; enter if you wish to die via a spork.” Scout called shading in the very large eye that she was sketching at the moment.

Brian’s eyes widened as he looked at the door in shock, slowly he opened to door.

“Hello, Brian. What can I do ya for?” scout said looking at him, “A nickel? A quarter? A dollar, come on I don’t have that much money.”

“Two dollars and that’s as low as I’m going.” Brian replied back with a smirk.

“Eh, you’re not worth it.” Scout smiled turning back to her eye.

“I’d like to ask you a few questions about the murder of Caroline Rogers. Did you know her?” Brian asked admiring the various pieces of art around the room.

“Not very well, she seemed pretty okay. Do you mind if I kiss you?” Scout asked putting down her charcoal.

“Why?” Brian asked as he looked at her, his eyes wide once again.

“Because I feel like it.” Scout said grabbing his face and kissing him hard on the mouth. “Eh, maybe two dollars is worth it.” She said before kissing him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm tired, and this is the best I could do.
Love itt? Hate itt? Want Mikey to write the next chapter??
I think yes.

