Tidbits of Life.

Secret Breathing

My name is June and I am happy.

Maybe it's because I had a...different childhood. It must be because my mother locked me in the hall closet for hours. Maybe.

Maybe, just maybe, it's because at age 13 I was beaten and raped by a neighbor who was seemingly polite. It could be because I carried his baby to term and kept her.

Lots of people ask me dully, "How are you grinning? How are you happy?" I flip the pencil over and erase the smile off my face. Right. I'm not allowed to be happy.

At home, I confuse myself with lies and incisions. But I grin as much as I want beause I feel the light within me. I really do. Even as the baby cries, even as mother charges through the front door.


I'm secretly breathing happiness in and out, filtering it in my lungs. I'm not allowed, though. Not allowed to be happy.

