The Shadows

Chapter 4

At the end of the day, all fve of them walked to Judo class. Thier teacher, Jim, taught them a new move that would take down your enemy on the ground in three seconds. Jim --- however easily surprised --- was not surprsed when the girls mastered the move on the first try. After Judo class, they all made thier way to Tye's house because that's what they planned the night before over the phone. After all her friends' mom's and dad's got off work, they came to pick up thier kids on Lehvan Drive, just off of the other side of Hamilton Avenue.
Late, in the middle of the night, Tye had a very strange dream about her and her friends were fighting strange Greek, Roman, and Latin myths, like Minotaurs and Hyperborean Giants... Minotaur are creatures of the Earth who have been sent to the deepest depths of Tartarus. Tartarus is in the depths of the Underworld. Anyway, Minotaur are creatures who are born half man and half bull. A Hyperborean Giant is a giant of ice. It freezes what ever it touches and has blue tattoos all over his body. Both the Minotaur and Hyperborean Giants are covered by a piece of leather and rope called a loincloth...