Status: it's a story I wrote in class and I kind of liked it... I know it needs some work, but I wanted to see what people thought of it

Love and Its Triangles

A "Failed" Date

Friday, after school, John and Charlie spent all their time discussing tactics for John’s upcoming “date.” Before long, it was time for John to go.

He picked Spencer up at her house and headed straight to the movies. Spencer tried to start a conversation, but every time she tried he either grunted or didn’t respond at all. He had the music blasting load so that is was impossible to hear oneself think.

Once they got to the movies, John went to buy himself a ticket and his own popcorn. He let Spencer pay for everything that she wanted. Spencer liked to fantasize how her perfect dat would be and it always involved the boy paying for her ticket. It left her slightly annoyed at the thought.

During the movie, John sat at the end of the row with the popcorn bucket right next to him, so there’d be no way for Spencer to get close. Frustrated, Spencer sat down on the other side of the popcorn. Every time that Spencer tried to reach for some popcorn, John would bat her hand away.

Then, abruptly, John announced that he was sick, ran out of the theater, and never came back. Spencer was sitting there alone.

Silently crying, Spencer decided that John was a jerk & packed up to go.

On her way out, she was stopped by an usher. Tears still falling down her face, she tried to tell him to go away, but had lost the ability to speak.
Her eyes red and puffy she looked at the man and realized she knew who it was. It was Charlie.

Extremely embarrassed, Spencer tried to cover her face and walk away. Charlie put a hand out and stopped her. He sat her down on a couch in the lobby and sat next to her. They just sat there and talked for what seemed like minutes, but was actually almost an hour.

Looking at the time, Spencer realized that her dad would be there any minute to pick her up.
She really didn’t want to go. Charlie had made her feel so much better, that her tears were long gone. She appreciated that he was there for her. Spencer now felt as though she knew Charlie now on a much more personal level than anyone else she ever knew.

If Charlie hadn’t been there, Spencer had no idea what she would’ve done. She then knew that there was only one way that the night could end...

Spencer leaned in and kissed Charlie.
♠ ♠ ♠
what'd you think? any good? feedback please!