Status: Check out the sequel ;D

Love Letters to Write Before I Die

dear stranger, my name is hopeless

Haley Dumont always jogged in the park every weekend. When she got exhausted from running, she stopped by the same bench and sat down while enjoying nature’s wonders. On one particular Saturday morning though, when she sat on the bench she saw a paper scrunched up into a ball, partially hidden from view. If it weren’t for the wind, she wouldn’t hear the crunch of the paper trying to escape the grip of the wooden planks and the steel frame. Curiosity seized her so she unfolded the creased paper, trying to smooth it with her thumb as perfectly as she could and then she began to read the slightly smudged contents.

Dear whoever you are,

I don’t hope for a miracle because I know miracle would not come to me. I don’t have any high expectations because I know it would be silly for me to have them. I don’t have a list of things I want to do before I die. Because I have only one wish. One.

And that is to live.

Yours sincerely,
Just a Guy.’

The next morning, Haley brought a piece of letter. She wrote it in meticulous handwriting, making sure that whoever got it would be able to read every single letters written on the paper. She knew it would be silly. Haley was hesitant at first but she figured, what the heck? She had already written out the letter anyway. She only hoped that whoever got her letter would be the same person who wrote the depressing one. She didn’t care if it was a fake letter. What if it wasn’t?

After all, unlike the guy who wrote the letter, she possessed something that was crucial to every human beings walking on the face of the Earth.

♠ ♠ ♠
Oh hey, there she goes again - writing long arsed crappy titles. Yes well, I just might change it around. I might change the layout too (because I made it in a hurry). But I did try my best to make the intro interesting. So I hope you'll enjoy! ^^

Also, I have no idea where I'm going with this idea too.
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