Status: Check out the sequel ;D

Love Letters to Write Before I Die

because worrying about the future won't fix anything

‘Dear Just a Guy,

You suck.

You wish to live and yet you have no idea how to be alive. I have no idea what you’re going through but if my days were numbered, I won’t be sitting around brooding about how shitty my life is. Man up, will you? If you worry too much about the future, you won’t be able to enjoy the present.

Yours sincerely,

He had been contemplating whether or not to throw the piece of paper away and never give a second thought about it but for hours now, he had been clutching the scrunched paper in his sweaty fist. He was feeling sick again and he suspected that his nausea was caused by his cousin’s rants rather than his actual illness.

After 10 minutes, all he heard was incomprehensible noise.

17-year-old Nathan Scott looked outside his window to greet the second week of spring. The scenery outside his home was always picturesque to everyone. There was a couple of birch trees planted on the front lawn, along with shrubberies and other colorful flowers. He woke up every morning in his room with the golden sunlight peeking through the blinds. His fingers brushed over the edges of the paper in his hand.

Not the reply that he expected. But it was refreshing and a tad amusing. He couldn’t remember the last time he smiled for that long after reading a letter.

“Are you even listening to me?” Alex Murray snapped.

“No. Not really,” Nathan replied, running a hand through his dirty blond hair and sighing loudly. “But I kind of got the gist of it. I’m pretty sure you’ve been ranting about the same thing for the last 15 minutes,” he said. “What a great way to waste your time, ey?” He said.

“Dude, you collapsed yesterday, if you didn’t notice.”

“I’m fine. Stop making a big deal out of this.”

He placed the letter in the top drawer of his desk, propped against the wall near the door.

Alex rolled his eyes and sat on Nathan’s bed.

“What the hell are you doing up here anyway?” Nathan asked, turning around and leaning against the desk. “It’s freaking me out that you’re worrying this much about me.”

“Because you were in my car. And it freaked the hell out of me when you suddenly fainted, I nearly ran over a girl on a tricycle—Nate, what on Earth are you doing?”

“You bore me. I’m going to write a letter instead.”

Alex scoffed.

“Who writes letters nowadays? In case you haven’t noticed, we have e-mails and text messaging.”

“What fun would that be?” Nathan asked, smirking.
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I'm still in the introduction phase. Sorry if it's a little bit slow. It'll be interesting soon enough :)
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