Never Let You Go


*Two Weeks Later*

It's the weekend of the 4th of July, Saturday the 2nd to be exact. We decided to leave by 7am, so we could be at my parents by lunch.

James is driving, myself in the passenger seat, and Logan asleep in the backseat.

James still seemed a little off, and I never actually asked him why. So while Logan is asleep, might as well do it now.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked as I reached a hand out to his.
"I'm just a little nervous."
"About what?"
"Meeting your parents." 'Makes sense.' I thought.
"Why? There is nothing to be nervous about. The only time you would ever want to be is if I was pregnant," His head shot in my direction. "But I'm not, so you shouldn't worry."
"Okay, and please don't ever say that again, unless you actually are."
"Well that won't be for a while, because I'm not that kind of girl."
"Would hope not."
"So, you good now?"
"Everything is going to be okay, trust me. And they'll love you." He smiled.

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When we finally pulled up to my parents house, Logan was awake.

We all got out of James' car and made our way up the walkway. When we reached the door, I opened it and walked in.

Logan closed the door behind us all, since he was the last to walk in.

We walked into the living room to find my sister Jessie and her fiance Rob sitting on the couch with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV, and her son, my 11 month old nephew, RJ sitting right in front of the TV zoned into the show.
"Bubbaluber!" Rob called out when he saw me.
"Hey." I waved and walked over to RJ, since I haven't seen him in a very long time.

As soon as he saw me, he smiled and put his arms out to me. So I picked him up and carried him over towards James and Logan. I introduced everyone to each other, except Logan to Jessie, since they already knew one another.

"So where is everyone else?" I asked as I set RJ down on his feet, and he walked over to Rob.
"Missy and Mom should be in the kitchen, and I think Sean and Dad are outside." Jessie said. I thanked her, and James, Logan, and I walked through the living room, to kitchen, where Missy, my other sister, and my Mom were sitting around the kitchen table.

"I thought I heard someone come in." My Mom said standing from her chair and walking over to me. She gave me and hug, then Logan. I introduced her and Missy to James, and Missy shot me a look. The 'we need to have a talk' look. And knowing her, she would want to talk to him about James.

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As we were catching up with Missy and my Mom, my Dad and Sean, Missy's fiance, walked into the kitchen.

"Green-head!" My Dad called, one of my nicknames he always called me growing up. I heard Logan chuckle, because he was always around when my Dad called me that.
"Haven't heard that in a while." Logan said. I shot him a look.
"Hi Dad." I stood from my chair and gave him a hug, then Sean.
"Hey Mr. Green." Logan said putting his hand out to my Dad.
"Logan, how many times have I told you to call me Bob?" He said shaking Logan's hand.
"So, who's this?" I saw my Dad turn his attention to James.
"Dad, this is James. My boyfriend." My Dad nodded his head.
"It's nice to meet you sir." James said nervously, putting his hand out to my Dad.
"You too, and call me Bob." My Dad said shaking his hand.

I smiled to myself, because it went well. When my Dad first Met Derek, he made him call him Mr Green, because I knew he didn't like him. But I could tell already, that my Dad and James were going to get along.
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Hope you all liked it. ;) This isn't much, but it's something. I wish it were better, but I didn't have much time to rewrite anything. But here it is, enjoy.

I AM SOOOOO SORRY THIS IS LATE! I had work till closing, which was 9, but because I wasn't feeling well, one of my co-workers let me leave when she was suppose to, which was 8. So I got off an hour early, but then my friend came into town for the night, and I wasn't going to pass up a chance to chill with her, and I didn't get home till a little after 3am. And I was waaaay too tired to come on the computer, so I planned on posting this this morning, but I was rushing to get ready for work, since I woke up a little late. So I was going to post this as soon as I got home at 7pm, but my sister was on the computer for God only knows how long. But I wasn't going to sit around and wait for her to get off, so I ate dinner and watched a movie, Knight and Day to be exact, which was very good btw. Then I finally was able to get on, and when I checked my document that I had it saved under, I didn't even have it finished! So I just spent the last hour or so typing this up, spell checking, and rereading it to make sure there were no mistakes. But here it is, and again........I AM SOOOOOO SORRY! But to make it up to you all, I will post the next TWO Chapters on Monday! :)

But I wrote a new one-shot called She's So Gone! It features Kendall Schmidt of Big Time Rush, so if you like him, check it out! ;) --New one-shot on soon! ;)

Next TWO Chapters will be up Monday!

ps. Comments are greatly appreciated........Just sayin'.