Never Let You Go


We are all on the boardwalk. We keep going into different shops, just looking around, we played a game of mini golf, Kendall won, we went on some rides, and we're just having a really good time.

Every now and then, James would hold my hand. All I could do was smile each time.

I never thought I could feel anything for another guy, especially so quickly. But when I'm with James, I feel like a different person. And I feel a lot better, and a lot better about myself, like I don't have to be someone I'm not, kind of like how Derek made me feel.

But at one point during the night, Carlos pulled me aside.
"How are you doing?" He asked when Kendall and James were playing a game of air hockey, while Logan watched.
"I'm good, and yourself?"
"I'm great." He paused. "So I heard what happened yesterday."
"Yeah," I really can't say much about it.
"I'm sorry about that."
"Me too, but it's not your fault." I forced a smile.
"But," He paused again, and looked over the guys. "I saw earlier at the beach." He whispered, even though he really didn't need to since it was so loud.
"What?" I asked confused.
"You and James." 'Oh God.' I thought.
"Oh, that."
"You didn't think any of us saw it, did you?"
"Yeah, I was more hoping."
"Don't sweat it, I won't say anything. But on the plus side, you two make a cute couple." He said with a wink and walked over the air hockey table.

I stood off to the side a little embarrassed. James saw, and came over as soon as the game ended.
"You all right?"
"Carlos saw earlier."
"Saw what?"
"Us kiss."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No, but I just didn't want any of them knowing there was anything between us yet."
"Why not? I don't think any of them would mind."
"Well I'm more worried about what Logan would think."
"Why? He's your best friend, he should be happy as long as you're happy."
"So don't worry about it." He put his arm around me to comfort me.
"All right." 'I'll have to talk to Logan soon.' I thought.

We walked back over to the guys. They were talking about what we should do next. We quickly decided on going on the Ferris Wheel.

We split up into two groups, Logan and Carlos, and Kendall, James, and myself. The cars were big enough for all five of us to fit, but we wanted to split up so we would all be more comfortable. I, of course sat next to James, and Kendall sat across from us. James had his arm around me, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

The Ferris Wheel stopped at the very top, and luckily it was such a nice night. Not a cloud in the sky, the moon was full, the stars were shining bright, and there was a cool summer breeze.

"Now that's a picture." Kendall said, taking his phone out of his pocket and taking a picture of James and I.
"Can I see it?" I asked, reaching for his phone. He handed to it to me. I was going to delete it, but it was actually a really nice picture of the two of us. So instead, I sent it to myself.
"Did you delete it?" He asked suspiciously when I handed it back to him.
"No, I sent it to myself." Just then, my phone notified me that I had a new message.

I opened it, saved the picture, and set it as my background. I could see in the corner of my eye James smiling when I was doing that.
"Send it to me." He whispered, and I did. He did the same as me.

"You two should date." Kendall said blankly.
"You think?" I asked.
"Yeah, why not?"
"It wouldn't be weird?" James asked.
"Nope." James and I looked at one another, then back at Kendall, and smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you all liked it. ;) But here's Chapter Six for you all! And I am SOOOOOOO sorry that this is soooooo late! I've been working non-stop for the past week, since my Manager and another employee are away for the week. She scheduled me with sooo many eight and nine hour shifts, and it's killing me! And the fact that we close late, doesn't help either. But I have no time for anything, hence why I didn't post this till now. But I am seriously soooo sorry! I will definitely try to post the Chapter Seven tomorrow, since I get off at six. If not tomorrow, then Monday, cause I get off at six again.

But I really like this Chapter, it's cute. Lol. I wanted to get you guys this Chapter, since I'm got off a little earlier today. But like I said, I'll get the next Chapter to you guys as soon as I can, I promise!

Next Chapter will be up ASAP! So keep an eye out! ;)

ps. Comments are greatly appreciated........Just sayin'.