Status: NEW!

Walking Travesty.


I stare at the gate in front of me, and then my eyes wonder to the name on top of the gate - Green Mount Cemetery.

It had been so long since I had last been here. I had always promised myself I would never come back, but there was just something in me that couldn't let it go. I needed some kind of closure.

I jump over the fence and walk through the graves heading towards the back on the cemetery. Even after one hundred years I knew exactly where I was buried - or at least where I was supposed to be buried at.
I stare at the fading old grave stone and read its engraving:

Clara Elizabet West
Beloved daughter, beloved sister.
You will forever be in our hearts.
Feb. 29, 1860 - April 23, 1877

I close my eyes and run my fingers across my name remembering the last days of my life.

The year had been 1877 and I had just turned seventeen. And in my parents eyes I was now a lady ready to start my destiny which meant getting married and starting a family of my own.

“Oh Clara, I know you will make us proud,” my mother told me as she tightened my corset.

I nodded, but all I could think about was getting that damn corset off.

“You just have to show what a great wife and mother you’ll be,” she continued as she finally finished tying my corset.

My mother turned me around and smiled at me. “I know you will bring us out of the dark Clara, you are our only hope.” She told me as she picked up my dress from my bed.

I stepped into it and turned back around so my mother could button me up.

“You only want me to marry him because of his money, right mother?” I ask as I look at her through the mirror.

She looked away with a small caugh.

“He’s a very respectful and mannered man, and very handsome may I add.”

“What if I don’t like him?”

“Don’t be silly Clara,” my mother said with a small laugh before walking out of my room.

“Yeah Clara, don’t be silly,” My sister Emily spoke bitterly as she walked into my room with her arms crossed over her chest wearing her finest dress.

“I still don’t know why he chose you; after all you’re quite a bore.”

I stayed quiet as I put on my finest jewelry.

“Perhaps he heard about my intelligence, or what a great help I am.” I said with my head held high, I wasn’t going to let her bring me down, not on such a special night.

“I’m sure he only chose you so you can clean and raise the kids while he’s out with his mistress,” she smirked.

“You’re wrong,” I told her and walked away.

I really didn’t understand why Emily was being cruel. She was my sister! She was supposed to be happy that I was going to be married soon, but instead she was trying to make me feel like I didn’t deserve this.

I also didn’t understand what the big deal was about this… Zachary guy, nobody really knew a lot about him.

The only thing I knew about him was that he had 3 brothers, he was rich, and he had personally asked my parents for my hand in marriage, which they had gladly accepted.

Just relax and smile. I told myself as my father knocked on the front door.

A couple of seconds later a maid opened the door and bowed and just behind her there were four guys smiling at us.

I swallowed hard and tried to keep my composure, I didn’t know why I was so nervous. I mean he had already chosen me to be his wife; this was just a dinner to get to know each other.

“Mr. and Mrs. West I’m so glad you were able to make it,” One of the guys greeted my parents with a big smile.

“Thank you for having us Mr. Merrick.”

“Call me Zachary; after all we’re going to be family soon.”

I swallowed again. He was going to be my future husband. Sure I had seen him before from far away but seeing him this close made my heart beat faster and my palms go sweaty.

My mother was right about one thing… he sure was handsome.

“These are my brothers, Alexander, Jack, and Robert,” he said as he pointed to each one and then he turned to look at me.

“And this must be-”

“Clara,” I interrupted without even thinking.

He looked at me and then at my sister and then his eyes widened in shock, it almost seemed like he had made a huge mistake.

“Of course,” he said as he took my hand and kissed it softly.

Then he looked at my sister who smirked, “Emily, at your service,” she told him as he kissed her hand.

“Very nice to meet you,” he said as they stared at each other.

I coughed lightly as I started feeling the tension building up.

“We should give Zachary and Clara some privacy,” my father spoke as he noticed my uneasiness.

“That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Zachary spoke as he turned to look at me.

“Why don’t we head into the living room so we can get acquainted with one another?” Alexander spoke as he took my mother’s hand.

“I think the garden will be a perfect place to get to know each other,” Zachary told me as his cold hand took a hold of mine.

“That sounds perfect,” I whispered as we began to walk towards the back of the house.

“Zachary?” I spoke softly

“Yes Clara?”

“Why did you ask for my hand in marriage if you don’t even know me?” I asked curiously

“You seem like a great person, you’re always smiling and I know how much you help your parents.”

I couldn’t help but to smile, “how did you find out about me?”

“It’s a small town, all you have to do is ask.” He smiled causing my heart to go crazy.

All I could do was smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
New Story!!
Hope you guys enjoy.
Second chapter should be up soon.