Status: NEW!

Walking Travesty.


You'd think picking out an outfit for a party would be easy enough, but it never is especially with girls. I always take forever and then I have to do my hair and my make up and it's just too much sometimes.

"Can you hurry up Lee!"

"I have everything, I'm just going to leave my hair down and do my make up real quick, I still don't see what the big deal is, and it’s just a frat party"

"It is not!" Brendon shouted back.

I laughed, "Nothing but college boys and chicks that's what I call a good time"

Brendon walked in and grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door, "Ow! Brendon what the hell!"

"You're done you look gorgeous as always" he grinned.

I shoved him playfully "Stop messing with my head"

"Hurry before all the good guys are taken" he teased.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not interested in dating"

"But why?!"

You'd think he was my girlfriend just pushing me into dating, I would think he would be more protective of his best friend. That sadly was not the case he wanted me to date; date a lot of men.

"I'm just not Brendon" I sighed.

"All right, I won't push you but if you find a nice guy don't you dare turn him down" he said, serious.

"Fine, so is this the place?"

He nodded, "Yeah let's go in, and here put this on"

I looked at him strangely, "A bandana?"

"Over your eyes silly"

I shook my head and did as I was told; it was Brendon I wasn't going to question this I knew it would be something crazy.

I heard a door open the Brendon just shoved me inside, "Ow! Rude much"

"Take off the blindfold"

I took it off quickly it was dark, "Why is it dark? Where's everyone?"

"SURPRISE!" I could hear a large group of people yell out, then the lights came back on.

"Oh my god, Brendon!" I laughed.

"Happy birthday!"

I grinned, "Thanks you guys"

Everyone was there, Spencer, Ryan and Jon I didn't really expect them to be there, except Spencer but it was nice seeing them again.

I hugged everyone and made my way to the kitchen where the food was, I was starving, Brendon had told me not to eat anything.

"Trying to starve her?" Spencer laughed.

"Na ah" Brendon said, pouting.

"Liarr! He is"

I sat down and started eating, partying on an empty stomach was not a good idea especially if I were to be drinking later.

"Hi there" someone greeted me, I looked up and smiled.


It was a tall guy with dark brown hair and beautiful eyes he took a sit next to me,. "Hope you don't mind me joining you"

I shook my head, "Not at all, I'm Leah"

He smiled, "Jake, it's a pleasure to meet you. You are very beautiful"

I blushed, "Thanks,"

"So how old are you now?"


"Oh wow, you get to drink now huh?"

I laughed, "I was never much of a drinker I'm not going to start now"

"I see, so um you want to go somewhere?"

I raise an eyebrow, "Um and do what exactly I don't know you"

"Chill girl, just for a walk"

I shook my head, "What do you take me for?"

"Whoa, I was just trying to be nice!"

"I think I'm going to go now" I got up and walked away, this was one of the reasons I didn't want to date.

"Wait I'm sorry I was just trying to get to know you"

I turned around "you sounded like a creep"

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

I still didn't want him around something about him creeped me out, I decided I'd go out for a walk myself. It was dark and it was kind of chilly signs that should tell me I should go back but I didn't. I was too uncomfortable and Brendon was off partying.

I sat in a bench and reflected on everything that was happening to me or that has happen which for the most part was nothing. I felt a strange vibe like someone was watching me and I hoped that it wasn't the creep. I had just enough of those creeps every single time I was hit on by one of them.
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Second chapter.
Sorry it's kind of lame. xD