Status: NEW!

Walking Travesty.


I hated the feeling of being watched it was just really creepy, especially at night, I was alone outside in a park bench. I could have sworn I saw someone in the bushes staring at me, I quickly stood up and walked over. I saw a figure and it looked like a young girl but I couldn't tell it was too dark, I kept on following the figure but it disappeared.

"That was strange" I whispered.

There it was again; it was a strange feeling someone was watching me I could feel it, my breathing pace increased, I got up and fixed my dress and started walking back.

I was starting to get a feeling that I was being followed and I hated that, I took my heels off and I began to run.

"Oh my god" I whispered.

I don't know what I was thinking coming out here and not know who was falling me, it was probably Jake. He wanted to be with me and was mad that I thought he was a creep; which he was and I wanted nothing to do with him.

I took in a couple of breaths and stopped; I leaned against a tree and decided to catch my breath, I looked around but I saw no one.

"Looking for someone?" his cool, smooth voice spoke.

I jumped, "Oh my god"

His smile was mesmorizing, this wasn't Jake it was a different person, he was tall and had brown hair and dark brown eyes.

"You scared me" I put my hand over my heart, feeling the beat of my heart skip a beat.

"Sorry, what are you doing here alone and in the mist of night?" he whispered in my ear.

I pushed him back, "Please, I need to get going,"

"It's dangerous out here and its late" he spoke again.

"That's why I'm trying to get home,"

"Why were you out here?" he asked.

"I don't think that is any of your business" I snapped, shoving him and walking away.

I could feel this guy following me and I was getting really annoyed I turned around but he wasn't there.

"Okay good," I whispered and turned back around and there he was.

"Hi" he grinned.

"H-how did you get there so fast?" I took a step back.

"I'm just fast"

"You're such a creep" I whispered, stepping aside.

"Awe no I'm not" he cooed.

"Stop mocking me!" I shouted, I was now balling my fists.

He just laughed, "I'm not"

I growled, "You are such a jerk"

I started running again, but this time he caught me and held me tight against him, I could feel my heart racing and my eyes were filling up with tears.

"Please, don't hurt me" I whispered.

"You are a beauty" he whispered.

"Please" I whimpered.

He pressed his lips against my neck, they were so ice cold, "So warm"

I tried to struggle out of his grip but he was too strong, "What do you want with me anyway?"

"I just want a companion" he whispered.

A companion? What the hell was he talking about and why was he talking like that?

"I'm sure you can get whatever 'companion' you want, why would you want me?"

"Alex!" I heard another male voice call.

"What?" this guy hissed, so his name was Alex.

He dropped me, "Ow!"

Way to be gentle with a woman, I'm sure he has never been one by the way he treated me; I saw him walk over to his friend and I took this time to run away.

I ran as fast as I could, as I was running I crashed with someone and I started freaking out I tried my best to have composure.


I looked up and it was Brendon and I hugged him, "Oh Brendon"

He wrapped his arms around me, "What's wrong doll, I was looking for you"

I wiped my face "This guy... just kept following me and he ... he tried to.."

Brendon was frowning, "What? Was it Jake? I heard about--"

"No, it was someone else Brendon let's get out of here,"

He nodded, "All right"

Brendon had his arm around my waist and mine was around his and I held onto him tight, I turned to look back. There he was watching me with his cold eyes, something about him didn't seem normal, almost not human.
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Update! Sorry its short. I just couldn't think of anything else, plust I thought I ended it well. lol
Alex is such a creep! lol
Poor Lee.
I tried to make him as creepy as possible though and all "vampire" ish. lol