Status: Keep it or Forget it?

Just One Mistake

Everywhere Everything


I lost my job. Tour was going fine, but the guys were at a music video shoot and I was trying to book this venue for the guys in time, but Zach took my phone and said today is a day for play not for work. I couldn’t give him the real reason I needed the phone to book five venues for them because then he would say do it tomorrow and I can’t let him know how bad the company has been at hassling me. Well when the venues weren’t booked that day I lost my job. They said finish the tour and then take your flight back to Chicago. They were done with me. I lost my job. My dream job. The job I love. Working with people I love. I mean I was about to quit to be honest because I have hit my boiling point, but then Zach would come and kiss me and I would lose my nerve.

I haven’t told the guys, and today is our last day of tour. LA. I am going to end up leaving during their meet and greet to make my flight so I need to tell them now, before the show. I am about to walk into the green room to tell Zach, but when I am about to walk in I see someone straddling Zach’s waist. I see the hair and the shoes and her outfit and know in an instant. It’s Amy. His Amy. I’m done. I lost to her, AGAIN. I always lose to her, I’m done


I’m running to tell the guys and go take a cab to the airport and run straight into Michael with tears rolling down my face.


She came in here, straddled me and started kissing me and putting her tongue in my mouth. It is nasty I may add. I was so shocked I just sat there for a minute until reality kicked in and I pushed her tongue out of my mouth, her lips off mine, and her body off my body.

“What the hell! Amy you and I are no more, we never will be.”

“But Zachiepoo!” she says trying to seductively get onto my lap only to be pushed off.

After this a bunch more times she says she isn’t done, and that she will make me hers and then walks out. How she got through security beats me. I get up to talk to security when I run into Eric who is running like a chicken with his head cut off.

“What’s up man?” I ask him.

“I have no idea what is happening after this. Is Nathan coming back? Do I have to play an extra show or something?”

“Ask Milou she knows that stuff.”

“Bro, she’s gone. Oh and she told me to tell you she’s done. She is tired in coming in after Amy, and she lost her job anyway so it doesn’t even matter anymore.”

I am shocked what happened! The girl I’m so in love with…

“Where is she?!?!”

“Sorry bro she is on a plane to Chiago…”

“You knew we were together the whole time?”

“Everyone but the fans knew you guys are so attracted to one another and drawn to each other my moths, but then she saw you kissing that chick and…”

I take a seat and bury my head in my hands… what am I going to do…
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry I haven't posted in awhile this story is getting harder and harder to write, I mean I am totally going to continue, but updates won't be so fast is all... I've been more focused on my other story so I'm sorry about that but no worries this will not die and it isn't dead...

Title and short description go to "Everywhere Everything" by This Century