Status: Keep it or Forget it?

Just One Mistake

Never Say Never


The plane ride was dull, nothing fun, I mean I spent the whole flight thinking, about everything, nothing, Zach… The only thing that kept me company was my iPod. I was listening to my go to music… mainly “Never Say Never” by the Fray because it somehow fit. I wanted him to run after me. I wanted him to come running to me and never stop. Every girl wants to be chased after, but they can’t assume that they will be chases after. I don’t expect Zach to chase after me, but I want him to. I love him, always did, and always will. That boy runs my world. He controls my mind. He owns my heart. On my heart it might as well say property of Zach Porter. I love him… I thought he loved me, but I was mistaken… it is always her, it always will me. For once I want it to be me. I want him to want me, not her. I wanna be loved. I want to know he is mine, and no one else’s, but I guess he never was mine, and he never will be sadly… Love came to me, and it stays with me, but I am not receiving love in return.

I go back to my apartment I share with my friends Madi, and August. When I walk through the door I break down in tears I have been holding in for hours… Madi and August see me and instantly blindly comfort me. Then they make me tell them what happened. I tell them everything, the whole summer I tell them in a couple of hours, and then I go and take a shower to wash off the plane, and the dry tears. When I walk out into the living room in a towel to ask the girls I see someone on my couch…


She’s gone… my love… she left me… it’s all Amy’s fault! All her fault! I walk up to the guys and tell them I can’t sing “Amy” tonight I am just too pissed off. I can’t do it without pure hate coming off my voice, and after I say her name with all the hate in the world I break into tears. I know I’m a guy, guys don’t cry, but this is Milou, this isn’t something stupid… I love her, and I lost her, more importantly I need her! I love her! What am I going to do without her I don’t

When the guys see me cry shock is apparent on their face. They don’t know what to do. They have never seen me cry. Then Cameron tells me, “If you love her don’t be an idiot, fight and chase after her. All girls want to be chased after by their night in shining armor. Yeah Amy kissed you, and you pushed her off, and she mistook that. In her defense you have never chosen her over Amy, ever! So show her this time isn’t one of those times, she beats Amy, she always will, and does. You love her, now show her and fight and go after her!”

Then I begin to say, “Cameron……..”
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I'm not done with this, but the updates will be slow...

Title and short description credit go to Never Say Never by the Fray....