Status: Keep it or Forget it?

Just One Mistake

The Reason


It’s her. The one I love. The one I messed everything up with. The one I think about all the time every day. It’s Milou. I love her. This is my chance. Who knows when I get this chance again, and I at least have to apologize to her. So I use all my courage and skate up to her.

“Hi Milou. SO SORRY about the puck hitting you in the head. I really didn’t mean it. It was an accident.”

“Whatever. Hey guys can I leave yet?” she says to her friends.

“You haven’t been ice skating since that whole big thing. No way. We are staying, and so are you.” A girl with big green eyes and chocolate brown hair says.

“Jules!!!!” she begs. “come on let me go back to the dorm.”

Jules shakes her head no.

“You’re still here.” She spits out at me.

“I wanted to apologize.”

“For what? Because you have lots to apologize for.”

“I want to apologize for everything. I am a jack ass, I know. Please at least talk to me. We used to be great friends.”

“Yeah well then you messed up.”

A look of sheer surprise fills Jules face. Milou must have told her about what happened.

“Please Milou… I love you” I mumble out the last part.

“Too late Zach. Too late.” She says with a harsh understanding. After she gives her friend a look she skates away.


He thinks he can just come back into my life, just like that, and everything will be perfect again, and we will be friends. NO WAY. He hurt me, he broke me as some would say, thought I feel it is a tad dramatic. I loved him… I still love him. Then he comes here and tells me he loves me. He has never told a girl he loves her, EVER. Not even Amy. Then he comes and tells me he loves me. I mean what the heck is going on. I shouldn’t even be at this stupid ice rink. I start to skate faster as my annoyance increases. I mean I should be looking for a summer job. I want to become a tour manager for a band when I grow up, and unless I get some employment of some sort it will be very hard for me to become a manager when I get out of college.

Then I hear three guys call, “MILOU!!!”

I suddenly stop skating making the top layer of the rink shred into tiny pieces. I turn around and see my three old best friends. The ones I lost when I did something I should, but don’t regret.

I skate over to them, and then I jump on Cameron’s back.

“WHOA Milou I am not a horse.”

“To me you are Cameron. Giddy up!”

“Last time I remember baby gurl you couldn’t ride a horse.” Michael says.

“I still can’t but I can ride Cameron.”

“Well don’t we get a hug? I mean when was the last time we saw you, let alone all hung out. We miss you Milou.” Nathan tells me.

“Some of us more than others.” Cameron mumbles just loud enough for all of us four to hear. I ignore his comment knowing very well who he is referring too.

“Why are you guys here, in Chicago of all places?”

“We are seeing a producer here.” Michael informs me.

“I see.”

“Well what is your major in college?” Nathan curiously asks.

“I am going into management. I want to be a tour manager when I get out of college. I should be looking for summer jobs now, but my friends dragged me here.”

“Dragged?” Cameron asks me.

“You used to love the ice.” Nathan tells me.

“That was before…. Before everything changed.”

“Wait you want to be a tour manager?” Michael asks me as a devious smile spreads across his face, and then after Cameron and Nathan see it they figure out what the smile means, and a smile appears on their faces as well. Those smiles worry me.
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title and short descriprion credit goes to The Reason by Hookastank