Status: Keep it or Forget it?

Just One Mistake



It was the necklace. The necklace is what did it to me. Well the necklace and that shirt. She was temping me. When we slept together sleeping with her to get Amy back wasn’t my intention, not by a long shot. My intention was I want her, NOW. So there we are watching some bad movie on TV. She is wearing a low cut shirt, and that necklace. The necklace only has one bead of a cresset moon. Something that describes her, because she is a dreamer. She dreams, won’t let her dreams come true, but she dreams. Some of her dreams she wouldn’t let come true at first because her family didn’t approve of her becoming a actress, or a singer. That was her real dream. Then there was another dream. Me. I was her dream. Now she doesn’t let her dreams come true, but for a different reason. You know how people have one bad Valentine ’s Day, and then they won’t celebrate it again. Well that is what she did. She finally went for a dream, and it failed, so now she won’t try again. It’s all my fault. So there we are innocently watching a bad movie, and I get bored. I decide to go over to her, move the necklace, and kiss where it was previously sitting on her neck. After my lips touch her neck she sucks in a breath. That breath was what took me over. Then I kissed the bottom of the neckline of her low cut shirt. I looked up at her. Her face was surprised, happy, and passionate. Never knew before then that passionate had a look, but trust me it does. Then I did something corny and sung “Give me affection I need your perfection Cause you feel so good You make me stutter, stutter If I could touch you, I'd never let go Now ya got me screaming and I cannot shut up, shut up, yeah.” Then I look at her lips, and roughly kiss them. By this time my mind was out the mind was out the window, and all I could think about was I need her now. I need her body now. I don’t need anyone else’s body. Amy? Forget it. An ex-girlfriend? Forget it. Just her, and only her. She kissed me back just as roughly. I picked her up. Continued to kiss her. Brought her to her room. Laid her down on the bed, and then the rest took off from there. I woke up at six in the morning. I freaked out. I left. Later I claimed that I only did it to get Amy back. It worked. People believed my story. I got Amy back. The ironic part was at six in the morning I realized I love Milou. That thought scared me which led into me lying about my motive. Worst mistake I have ever made. She is going to be out tour manager this tour thanks to the guys. I need my best friend back. I need her love back. I need her, because I love her. That quote is right, “Immature love says, “I love you because I need you.” Mature love says, “I need you because I love you.””


Now I have a job, not sure I should have taken it, but the offer was too good to refuse. I am currently the tour manager for my friend’s band, they are called Allstar Weekend, but that isn’t the relevant part. I have to spend all summer with friends I dropped after the whole incident, and Zach. Zach. Zach was my biggest regret, but not so much of a mistake. I should, but I don’t regret loving him. I don’t regret being his best friend. I don’t regret making him my first. I don’t regret stopping being friends with him. I don’t regret moving away from him for college. I don’t regret stopping my friendships with Michael, Cameron and Nathan. I do regret that he didn’t chase after me as a friend, or anything more. I do regret the fact my heart won’t heal. People say, “Live life without regrets.” Well I am doing the best I can of that.
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Title, short story description, and the lyrics Zach sings all are from the Maroon 5 song Stutter so that credit is theirs