Status: Keep it or Forget it?

Just One Mistake

Stay Here


The aftermath of that event wasn’t an easy one. My mom is very smart. The next day I had a big hickey in the place where the bead on my necklace hit my neck. My mom figured out what happened. As she said, “no one would love that place where that necklace always sits on your neck then the person who gave it to you. And sometimes the way he looks at you.” Lucky for me my mom approved. That wasn’t the worst part though. The worst part was stopping being friends with some of my best friends. I couldn’t do it in person. I sent them a text saying, “Guys I love you like brothers. I hate to do this, but we can’t be friends anymore. I love you, and maybe at another time, in another place we can be friends again, and I hope that we do become friends again, but that time and place isn’t here or now. I did something that I’m sure you’ll all find out about soon enough. Zach and I are no longer friends, and I am not going to make you pick between us, and the situation makes it so you would more or less have to pick, and I don’t like that. So I am making the choice for you. You all chose Zach. As they say bros before hoes. I love you guys. If you see me in the future please find me and be my friend I will always miss you, and I love you.” That was the saddest thing that I ever had done.


My friend made the best thing ever. They have gotten Milou to come on tour with us as our tour manager. This makes my life I get a second chance. Life rarely gives you a second chance, I got one, and now I am going to use it. I am doing something that can be considered stupid or smart. I am going over to Milou’s house due to the fact that we are both in Poway. I walk into her house. I should have knocked, but old habits die hard. I walk in and Milou’s mom welcomes me.

“Hi Zachary. It has been forever since we have seen you around here, ever since… Well anyway are you both friends again?”

“No, but she is going to be our tour manager as she probably told you so I thought I should come and at least clear the air."

"Alright well she is in the shower, I assume you still remember the drill."

"Yup. Thanks see you later."
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title and short description lyric credit go to the song Stay Here by What Katie Said Last Night