Status: Keep it or Forget it?

Just One Mistake

DJ got us Falling in Love Again


I wake up and realize what happened, and I spazz. I mean fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. GRRR! Why am I so addicted to him. I look at my neck, and see I am wearing a shirt with a high collar because Zach just loves that place on my neck too much. I mean it is obvious. There is a huge hickey there. I can’t stay here like this so I get dressed in some pajamas and run down stairs to grab some juice to clear my head. I find some raspberry lemonade and decide to drink that. I drink it and clear my head. Only problem with clearing your head you realize things you didn’t want to admit. I still love him. I never stopped, but I can’t have him. I don’t want him. I love him but I don’t want him. Soon enough later Zach left without a word, which is probably better, and less awkward. I will have to see him in thirty minutes to load up the van in a minute anyway. I finish packing, and then I am at the Porter’s. I haven’t been here is years. Mrs. Porter sees me and then decides to come and say hello, and pull me aside. She moves the top of my shirt down just past where the necklace he gave me, that I always wear rests.

“That is where he was.” She says.

“Mrs. Porter I’m sorry something---“ I try saying before she cuts me off.

“I’m not mad. You two will end up together one way or antoher, as long as it was with you
I’m ok with it. It wasn’t like it was your twos first time doing that, let alone together.”

“How did you—“

“Your mom told me. We know you two. We see the way you look at one another. We are rooting for you two. Somehow I think this will be good for you both.” Mrs. Porter says smiling.

Before I get the chance to respond Nathan is calling me over telling me we have to go. I give Mrs. Porter a hug, and feel her drop a few things in my pocket. Before I can ask what she put in there Cameron is carrying my fireman’s style to the car. I look in my pocket and see two things. A picture of Zach and I as 8 year-olds kissing, and a bracelet. The picture was taken just as we kissed because we wanted to get our first kiss over with. I will always remember that day, and those sparks. No one else can give me that feeling but him. Then the bracelet. It’s Mrs. Porters. It’s a Porter heirloom. It is a bracelet, and there are hearts on it, on each heart there is an engraving or each couples name who wore it, and then the date they met. I look at the beautiful bracelet that I have always seen Mrs. Porter wear when I notice there is an extra heart, and the heart is unlike the rest. This hear is red, not silver, and the heart has Zachary + Milou 12-30-93 engraved on it. I put on the bracelet only hoping that it is meant to be on my wrist, and no one elses.


We have been on tour for two weeks, and Milou and I are fighting nonstop. I mean after the second time it’s like we are so selfconcious we fight. I mean I love her, but she is just bugging me. What kills the most is that I know this is her defense system kicking in.

“I think it is a cool idea.” I say fighting her

“It’s a cool idea, but it isn’t a good idea.” She says back.

“Come one so what will happen worst comes to worst?”

“We get kicked out of the hotel and Disney kills us.”

“Come on they won’t kick us out.”

“Oh yes they will, and what about the neighbors?”

“Like they will care.”

“Oh yes yes they will. We already don’t have the management on our side they called up here earlier. Also it’s a fire hazard.”

“Oh my goodness it’s a cool idea and I say we do it.”

“We already have like 4 more people in this room then is allowed at a time, we don’t need to make it worse. Where will you perform anyway?”

“On the beds of course.”

“So you are trying to break the bed now?”

“Lighten up.”

“I’m sorry but if this all goes south my ass is on the line, not yours. You are making them thousands, and soon millions so you won’t get in trouble. I will for not stopping you.”

“We are doing it. With or without your consent.”

“If you get caught you better sure as hell make sure I don’t go down with this.”

“I will make sure your ass isn’t on the line if we get in trouble. Help us set up?”

“You mess, your ass, your set up.” She says as she walks out of the room, and all I can do is watch her walk away wishing she was mine.
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Lyrics in the description, and the title credit goes to "DJ got us Fallin in Love Again" by Usher