Status: Keep it or Forget it?

Just One Mistake

Let Me Down Easy


“Can’t we just pretend it didn’t happen?” I try asking him.

“No, because I have done this only three times in my life, and all the times were with you, time to talk.”

“Fine, talk I’m listening.”

“I LOVE YOU!!! I never slept with you to get Amy back, but at 6am the next morning I knew I was in love with you, it scared me so I made up an excuse. Everytime we did this I did it because there is nothing that I want more than you. I love you… I’m in love with you. I always was, just I was often times to blind to see it.”

“Zach………. I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you love me to. Say you’ll give me a chance. Say you don’t hate me.”

“I do love you. I can’t give you a chance though. If the company finds out they may fire me. I work for you. They may think I’m not doing my job, or that I’m trying to take advantage of you.”

“It will be our secret, anything to make you mine. I can’t stay away from you any longer. It’s


“Milou I am so insanely in love with you that I can’t think straight. I mean you are always on my mind. You are always making me go insane because all I want to do when I see you is kiss you, talk to you, have something with you more than a friendship, and for sure more than hate. We won’t tell anyone, not even the guys. No one will know, but you and I.”

“Alright Zach. Only because keeping my hands off you is impossible.”

“We have some catching up to do.”

“We do indeed, so let’s start now. We have three days to catch up.”

So that is what we did we caught up. We talked. We ordered room service and watched a movie even. Then I fell asleep in the arms of someone I love.


She fell asleep in my arms. I can’t believe all of this is real. She is really mind. I am holding her. I can kiss her. I can be close to her. I can talk to her. I can love her. I loved her either way. She is mine. All mine. She even is still wearing that necklace. I can make her breathless.

My life at this moment is perfect, nothing but it! I am living my dream. I’m in a band. My band is famous. The band is getting bigger. I’m in love. I have the girl of my dreams. I am loved. I have great friends. I am alive. There is no reason at this current moment to be sad.
I’m sitting here playing with her hair until I fall asleep with the perfect girl in my arms.

My girl in my arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title and short description credit go to Let Me Down Easy by 2am Club