Status: Keep it or Forget it?

Just One Mistake

She Doesn't Get It


I woke up to someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see Michael, then I notice arms wrapped around me like they have been the past couple nights.

“Shit.” I mumble.

“You’ll have to explain, but wake up Zach first.”

“Why me?”

“Cause I can only wake him up in a way that will piss him off, if he gets mad I want it to be at
you not me.”

“Baby.” I mumble before every so lightly pressing my lips to Zach’s, Mike already walked in on us like this, we’ll have to tell him, nothing to hide from him.

“mmmmmm” Zach happily mumbles then he lightly kisses me, then he sees Mike and jumps up about a mile.


“Sorry bro, I was told to wake you guys up, but clearly you have something to tell me.”

“Mike, you can’t tell any of the guys!” Zach tells him

“Why not?”

“Because her dating her ‘boss’ isn’t good, she could lose her job.”

“So you two are finally dating?”

“Yes.” I tell him.


“Now lovebirds pack and get your asses down we need to leave, so hurry up. I won’t tell
them, but you better act well.”

“Yeah we know we have to fight and all that jazz…” I indifferently tell him.

“Alright I have to get ready myself, bye.”


“What the hell Zach!”

“At least I’m not trying to take the fun out of everything!”

“Well that was the stupidest thing you could have done! You know what Swedish fish does to your voice right before you sing!”

“So I wanted food.”

“Food fine, but NOT Swedish fish!”

“I’ll fix it.”

“How do you plan on that? All that junk is on your vocal chords, and you don’t know the
exercise to fix it.”

“But you do.”

“I should help you why?”

“Do you want to ruin the show for everyone else?”

“No… GRRRR you infuriate me! Just come on.” She yells at me grabbing my arm and
pulling me into the room with the piano that no one is in.

She teaches me the exercise, I do it and then say.

“Thank you baby. And sorry for being so mean before, and for eating the fish.”

“It’s fine, just wish you didn’t eat it.”

I get close to her and say, “A kiss?”

“Since we are alone.”

Then I kiss her, but then we hear the door about to open so we jump away from each other.

She jumps to the piano bench and puts a scowl on her face.

“Hey guys. I thought you may be done cause I didn’t hear anyone singing.” Nathan says.

“Just finished answering a text is all… He is almost done the idiot.”

Then she pulls out her phone and sends a text, a minute later I get a text from her saying, ‘you’re not an idiot’

That was as close call……….
♠ ♠ ♠
Title and short description credit goes to "She Doesn't Get It" by the Format

Sorry it took awhile to update... If I am taking to long you can always write a comment in my profile... anyway comments would be lovely!