On The Other Side Of The Mirror

On the Other Side of the Mirror

Bright lights. Crying. Yelling. Only a few of the things that were going on right now.

"Oh my gosh, are they going to be okay?! Are they going to make it?"

"Will somebody please show this boy to the waiting room?!" the nurse exclaimed.

As things begin to blur, and the noise fades away I meet darkness.

Several hours later.

This is the story of Alexis Miles...

"Ugh. Where am I?" I groan.

I raise up out of the bed, my body feeling all extra heavy and look around. This wasn't my room, or any room I was familiar to, it wasn't even a hospital room. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and clumsily stand up. That's when I notice I wasn't in the clothes I had on before I went to sleep.

"What the hell?" I thought.

I search around the room and find my shoes, they were over in a corner. I put them on, and lace them up. I crack open the door taking a peek out of it. I didn't see anyone, so I opened it all the way. I took a step outside and wince, when the floor made a shrieking noise. I tip toed to the front of the house and there was a boy with his back turned towards me talking to an officer.

"Crap. Maybe, I should go out the back..."

There was one problem. I couldn't find the back, so I went to the bathroom and out the window. I land my feet on the ground and head out of the alley I was currently in. The street were old and made out of stone, and the building were built in old structures, too. Not only that, but the people also dressed differently. And I looked anything, but normal here. I thought I was in one of those Amish places... or something. I pushed my way through the crowd. For there most have been a festival due to the crowds of people. When suddenly a police officer yelled, "Hey, you, stop! With the devilish features!"

Crap. They spotted me. And they probably think I'm a witch. I started to run zig-zags in the crowd hoping to lose him, only to bump into another one.

"HEY!" he shouted.

I backed up into another. What were they everywhere or something or was this just not my day? He grabbed me by the arm, and I jerked away. Here I am, running when I get pulled in an alley. I was about to scream when the person covers my mouth, and muffles my attempts to yell.

"Shhh. I'm not going to hurt you."

He (as his voice has revealed his gender) releases me.

"What the hell WHO are you?" I gasp.

"You're the boy from the house! Oops, did I just say that out loud?"

"Yeah. You did."


"I'm not going to hurt you. I found you passes out pretty bruised up. So I took you home and had you get help."

"Uh uh...riiight. So what is this? Where am I?"

"You're in America. And it's the 19th century."

That's when everything went black again.

Several hours later.

"Who the hell are you and what are you on?! This can't be the 19th century! This is 2008!"

"Who's smoking now?" the guy asked with a smugish look on his face.

"Shut up. Don't you try and make me look like the crazy one here! I'm leaving!"

"Do what you like, but I won't be there to save you again."

"Save me? Ugh, as if-- Argh! You make me sick!"

"Why?" he smirks, "because you know I'm right and you'rE wrong?"

I sigh in defeat.

"So, what's your name?"

"What's yours?"

"Are you really going to do this?!"

"Do what?" he says with an impish smile.

"Get on my nerves on purpose!"

"All I did was ask your name."

"Forget it."

"Michael, it's Michael," Michael says with a small chuckle.

"Pmph... Alexis..."
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I don't know how... or why, but I could feel a dysfunctional relationship friendship growing...